How does it all happen !
Well on the sunday night, Mattdub goes around MK (after leaving his bike in the marquee every year when they are taking it down) and plants a few seeds, so by the following year, all the marquee's, toilets, skips, burger vans, prizes and trophies have grown for you all to enjoy!Well possibly not lol.
Once we have the go ahead from MK club, we can start to tell you when the next MK might be, so at that point we all get a bit I have taken some credit for these events, but trust me, my little band of men do the hard work.
So before I say a big thanks to one particular person, here's a few little words of thanks to some others!
John Griff - Designed the T-shirts, and tolerated a million emails from me to also sort a few presents out for the guys who helped me, prints and a few individual race plates....
Carl In2bmx - For the production of the T-shirts, cups, stickers, banners, prints and for taking the time to bring and display his awesome collection over the weekend, and also for going to Tesco and collecting the free beer, with the support of Gaz Rollin 72, Brummie Dave and Norty 40.
Bubbs - for weeks and weeks of preparation and planning the most spectacular display of old school memorabilia known to man, and also Stodgy and Pete Quad for the endless support / piss take.
Shiner / Mr & Mrs Kemp - who I think you will all agree (apart from one prat who thinks they do it to 'rip people off each year', yes, we heard you) supplied you with some bargains over the weekend. If it wasn't for Jai, then NONE of this stock would have ever surfaced. Shiner have been a massive sponsor of the Rad events over the years, so thank you and I would love to see you there again, however this year really was the end of an era. Gaz Poolysherriff and Bru have helped Jai over the years and of course we had Sarah to fetch the tea! x x x
B73 Family, Dave Emma and Beth - Sponsors of the site and Rad events and the official supplier of the Rad merchandise. Dave also very kindly donated a hoodie to this years raffle and Beth was an absolute star being a bar maid in the Dog & Duck, watta a girl (sorry Dave), and Emma, it's two sugars in my tea next year hun (sorry Dave) x x x (none of those are for you sorry Dave)
Rich Waxintaxin - For our hilarious trip to Tesco's (detail note required for security reasons), his stunning SE display and his need to get up Sunday morning at 6.30 to clear up the after the night before, two hours after Bob Acid who had already done it. Rich was the brains behind the pub on Saurday, and what a blinding idea it was...........just wait till MK14 !
I mentioned Bob just now, but a late arrival didn't stop a few beers down his neck to get his throat ready for a sing song, wonderful or is that wonder wall (i'll get my coat)
Rob Pickle - well I don't know what to say............what a man ! - If it wasn't for Rob we wouldn't know which way was up ! A loyal servant to Rad for years, and an absolute gent

A few thanks to Phil, Animal and Brett for their displays, if it wasn't for these guy's we wouldn't fill the marquee's, so thanks for the time and effort and cost's you manage, to help aid the event. Also the man hours and detail that goes into the builds are immense.
Mr and Mrs Stidds - camp cleaner and then there's Mrs Stidds (sorry) - Every year they organise the show and shine, give up their time and make it seamless. Also a personal thank you for getting a drunk son back to the hotel on Saturday night x x x
Snav snr & Snav jnr - Always willing to help, whether it be on the Friday or late sunday clearing up, these guys are part of the family and are tops fella's. Big up to Jamie for head bar man on Saturday, off the chain buddy !
Gashead jnr, well he supports me no end, from packing the van to keeping me awake on the way home sunday and just being a No1 son. He loved working in the Dog and Duck, however I think we all know why we ran out of beer !
I best mention Pete, when I think why he deserves a mention, I'll come back and type something...............oh, of course his lovely wife and daughter that sort the raffle every year, stars the pair of you, thanks Sandra & Mia x x x
And of course thank you to everyone that comes to MK !
And finally !
Like I said earlier, I get a boat load of credit for MK, but the person that should receive this is.....................Mattdub

He is the one that opens the gate first thing Friday and last to leave on the Sunday......He is responsible for the catering, skips toilets and also the organising of dates with MK and these events would simply not happen without him.
Sorry for the epic thread, but it needed to be said, so big thanks to Matt and all above