Okay, The official Show and Shine is on Sunday. The registration opens up from 9am through to 11am down in the main tent (quite large one in the middle of the main area) come and see us down there to register and get your tags for your bike/bikes.
To enter your bike into the official Show n Shine it costs
up to 2 bikes - £10
3 - 5 bikes - £15
6 and upwards £20
Please make sure you have your own bike stands, no bikes will be allowed in the official show tent without a stand, as we don't want to risk having them fall onto other peoples bikes

For those that don't know, the catagories are as follows
Vintage race (70's)
Old school Street (80 - 86)
Old school Race (80 - 86)
Old school Freestyle (80 - 86)
Old school Cruiser (80 - 86)
Old school Pit/Mini (80 - 86)
Mid school Race (87 - 00)
Mid school Freestyle (87 - 00)
New school/Retro (01 - 13)
Added just my good mate Nick