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Author Topic: Lost Torker + Ammaco twin top tube frames police response  (Read 518 times)

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Lost Torker + Ammaco twin top tube frames police response
« on: August 01, 2013, 09:37 AM »
Hi Everyone
It was back in March that these two frames went missing in the post. I know there isnt much else I can do about it now, but just thought I would post up a friendly reminder what with MK coming up and such :daumenhoch:

Torker 2 280 air.

Ammaco freestlye frame with Tange mongoose forks.
These were both in the same box and were destined for Ireland but beleived to have gone missing on Murhall street, Stoke on trent.
Cheers, fellas :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 07:15 AM by threaders »

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Re: Lost Torker + Ammaco twin top tube frames police response
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2013, 07:18 AM »
Well after four months of chasing the staffordshire police, I was finaly given this statement this morning :police:
Dear Mr Threadwell,
Thank you for your e-mail regarding your missing parcel.
You may recall that I spoke to you some time ago, and promised that I would look into the matter, and find out what progress PC Garside had made with the investigation.
In fact, as she was on leave I made some enquiries myself.
I have been to both the addresses in Murhall street, and spoken to the occupants. The person who received the parcels stated that he recalled signing for two packages that he had handed on to his neighbour.
However the neighbour ( who you had sent one parcel to ) stated that he had only received one parcel.
It is apparent that these accounts are inconsistent, but there was no sign of the missing bike frame at either address.
There is not enough evidence to disprove either of the accounts given.
I am sorry that you are out of pocket, and I would have thought that you have a valid claim against the parcel delivery company who have delivered  the parcel labelled for Ireland to an address in Stoke on Trent.
When PC Garside returned from her leave it transpired that she had too been to the addresses in Murhall street, carrying out enquiries.
I apologise that nobody has previously updated you on the above.

Great work stafforshire police :idiot2: I will have to email them back to see if they are going to do anything alse about this matter. >:(

Offline fischflo

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Re: Lost Torker + Ammaco twin top tube frames police response
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2013, 01:29 PM »
as said before: There needs to be some sense in the whole system of signing for received items. What good is it if  there's no use in it?

the route:,160131.msg1619447.html#msg1619447 ...etc
"...I have begun the process of pursuing it through the small claims court. ..."

the strategy imo:,160131.msg1619408.html#msg1619408
concerning 'case 2':
"...If there's something wrong with/about the clone signatures, the courier might have actually BREACHED the contract. -> You could then be eligible to full compensation in the eyes of a court."

DO EEEET  :D :daumenhoch:

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Re: Lost Torker + Ammaco twin top tube frames police response
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2013, 02:26 PM »
.........WAIT A MINUTE:
 the neighbour says that he actually got and signed for TWO parcels ?
i don't think this should change your strategy (MartyC seems right about concentrating on the courier's mistakes) - but, just to set things straight - it seems that...,160131.msg1619290.html#msg1619290
Claire Gibbons (shunterdave's wife?) said:
"Yes my neighbour passed wheels on but had said he wasn't goin tske another parcel with an Irish address on as he felt the delivery man was wrong so he refused it altho I asked him if he signed for any of them he said he just signed twice once to say 1 parcel accepted and once to say one parcel refused ."

Like this it seems to lead to a word against word situation - where you don't know whom to believe...
(... if the policeman's account is true, that the neighbour at #11 actually ADMITTED to RECEIVING 2 parcels)

However  we can't be sure this policemans acccount is accurate: maybe the neighbour only said he signed for both (1 refusal sig), and handed over the only parcel he accepted, refusing the other.

Marty's approach seems to me to be the right one, because the signatures seem fishy to me:
it seems that TNT should've collected two seperate signatures, but actually only collected ONE SINGLE SIG -  TNT (/parcel2go) thereby has BREACHED the contract.  (->,160131.msg1619382.html#msg1619382)
« Last Edit: August 02, 2013, 02:27 PM by fischflo »

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Re: Lost Torker + Ammaco twin top tube frames police response
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2013, 02:48 PM »
I know.
I have emailed the police to see if they are going to do anything further. I told them that I have the TNT receipts with a signature for both parcels, plus the fact the neighbour remembers signing for two parcels, but I get the impression that the police aren't going to do much else now judging by the tone set in the last email.
I have taken parcel2go to the small claims court. They are defending the claim and are saying I should have covered the items for full value (which I will always from now on) but that said, the small claims court are still interested in following up the case and are putting it up for mediation which should take place within the month. Ill keep you all posted.
Thanks chaps :daumenhoch:

Offline fischflo

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Re: Lost Torker + Ammaco twin top tube frames police response
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2013, 03:11 PM »
please do that :daumenhoch:  we're all interested in how this fooked up case turns out!
...but seems you have a good chance in getting a compensation, if the fishyness of the sig situation can be clarified.

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