Well after four months of chasing the staffordshire police, I was finaly given this statement this morning

Dear Mr Threadwell,
Thank you for your e-mail regarding your missing parcel.
You may recall that I spoke to you some time ago, and promised that I would look into the matter, and find out what progress PC Garside had made with the investigation.
In fact, as she was on leave I made some enquiries myself.
I have been to both the addresses in Murhall street, and spoken to the occupants. The person who received the parcels stated that he recalled signing for two packages that he had handed on to his neighbour.
However the neighbour ( who you had sent one parcel to ) stated that he had only received one parcel.
It is apparent that these accounts are inconsistent, but there was no sign of the missing bike frame at either address.
There is not enough evidence to disprove either of the accounts given.
I am sorry that you are out of pocket, and I would have thought that you have a valid claim against the parcel delivery company who have delivered the parcel labelled for Ireland to an address in Stoke on Trent.
When PC Garside returned from her leave it transpired that she had too been to the addresses in Murhall street, carrying out enquiries.
I apologise that nobody has previously updated you on the above.
Great work stafforshire police

I will have to email them back to see if they are going to do anything alse about this matter.