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Author Topic: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys  (Read 36010 times)

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Offline willo73

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2013, 09:34 PM »
Shocking story, hope you get it sorted mate. Fcuker should rot

Offline BADDH

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2013, 10:52 PM »
Contact the local papers who  wrote the Article and let them know this guy is not such a creditable collector he would like them to believe....

Surely you have some claim against this guy, I am a firm believer in what goes around comes back at some point in life, we live and learn, disregard the scumbags we come across every so often and be thankfull most guys are trustworthy like minded people.

I would press on the legal route with Ebay and Paypal, advertise with a clause/ Ryder  in future over sea's advertisements on future sales on EBay and wish you luck in burying this fella.

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Offline LucyLastic

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2013, 07:22 AM »
Jesus, that sucks!  I have a good friend in Oz but he's in Brisbane unfortunately, he's also not the confrontational type.

Definitely contact the paper who did the article, name and shame.

Good luck with it all, buddy.


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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2013, 05:29 PM »
Don't worrie he will get what's coming to him but I will cross that bridge when PayPal and the Internet fraud people have done with him.

Offline megsy

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2013, 05:49 PM »
Glad  I've just seen this thread as he's just offered to buy one of my bikes
Will be telling him where to go


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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2013, 09:42 PM »
Glad  I've just seen this thread as he's just offered to buy one of my bikes
Will be telling him where to go

Probably wants to buy your bike with my money LOL,
Megsy he is a nasty piece of work but only because he can hide behind his computer from halfway around the world.
For example what he really is like he bought the frame and forks off me on EBay he said that they where for his son and wanted me to not waste anytime to ship the items so I got quoted £45 on line to ship a frame and forks to him so I charged him £45 , but when I went to the post office to actually ship them the next day they quoted me £111 full insured and tracked as he threatened me about the parcel being my response ability and if it got damaged ect it was going to be my problem and not his so I reluctantly paid the fee and thought he would do the decent thing by paying just half of the extra fee or even a small cotribution but when I told him how much it was he virtually told me to Fook off he wasn't interested,and he accused me of trying to rip him off even though I sent him a picture of the shipping receipt with the fee clearly to be seen, but he told me that the picture was blur and he couldn't read it.
Then when he got the items he claimed they where not as described then got one of his mates that owns his local bike shop to lie for him for the PayPal claim that he wasted no time on doing even after I told him to send the frame back for a full refund as he was happy to keep the forks, then low and behold he said the forks where fake and wanted a refund for them aswwell.

If he is not a CROOK then why did he send me back a box with two rusty one piece cranks and a smashed up and bent seat post (that has his prints all over them) that he valued on the  boxes paper  work at $990 that was clearly stated on the shipping forms and also clearly stated that there was a frame and forks in the box on the customs declaration form on the exterior of the box, instead of my frame and forks that should have been in the box.

Funny how he said that the items where not as described etc but he thought that he would still keep them , send a virtually empty box back to me and also get all his money back aswwell .

He Lied to customs, PayPal, EBay and me, FACT and even parcel force has got dragged into this as they are eye witnesses when I opened the box in there office on there premises which is not good news for you if your reading this you low life, go crawl and hide under your rock where you came from.

But the funny thing is that he was refunded with PayPals money and not mine as I refused to pay the £601 until I got the items back in my hands because I smelt a rat from the moment he started to kick off, so he will have to fight off the powers of PayPal and there legal team and even the internet fraud department not me as they now want there money back.

So this stupid little scam of his didn't work out like he thought it would do.

This guy knew what he was doing from start to finish he thinks he is clever but he will come unstuck.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 11:07 PM by PK.RIPPER »

Offline superbikedan

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2013, 10:25 PM »
send this link from rad to everyone in oz, websites, papers fraud squads, you name it
send it to them, the power of the internet works well, good luck mate, just a shocking
story :daumenhoch:
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Offline Mattdub

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2013, 10:47 PM »

What a complete muggy c**t this guy sounds like , needs a proper slap !  :knuppel2:


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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2013, 11:21 PM »
send this link from rad to everyone in oz, websites, papers fraud squads, you name it
send it to them, the power of the internet works well, good luck mate, just a shocking
story :daumenhoch:

Yes good idea dan , I will do that as soon as PayPal credit my account back into credit which they have said that they will be doing at some point next week, then they will be onto him and i wouldn't like to be him especially with all the proof and eye witness statements from the guys that seen me open the box in front of them at parcel force also Parcel force are also getting a recording on disc cut of me breaking the Australian customs shipping seals on the box and opening it in the parcel force office right in front of there security camera , also the rusty cranks etc that was in the box are now bagged up for evidence and they are covered with his finger prints LOL so all of this plus more is going to them and also to the Internet fraud department to deal with.

I Just hope he doesn't do this to anybody else, but he has proven that he is totally untrust worthy and a lier.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 11:48 PM by PK.RIPPER »

Offline insectbones

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2013, 11:41 PM »
What an effing scummer, hope you get this sorted soon fella!

Offline JimBowen

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2013, 11:55 PM »
If he did this to me i would be on the first plane to Australia and kicking the living sh1t out of him then i would be Taking my goods back with me on the flight home.

He forgets you have his full Address  :uglystupid2:

Unfecking real  :wtf:

 :shocked: :shocked:

And also has anyone actually read that Article posted about him and his collection, what a load of crap   :LolLolLolLol:

When someone found out he was selling his Kewi E.T. they Got straight on a plane from London and flew out to see him  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Bull s h1t  :LolLolLolLol:

And the rest sounds like a load of bollox also  :2funny:

Hope you get this sorted m8 and haul his arse through the ringer for doing this, unreal  :shocked: :shocked:

Offline kalex

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2013, 12:03 AM »
you said he wanted it for his son

well i sold something on ebay about 3 weeks ago and someone from Oz asked if i would post it over as he wanted it for his son also.

but it was sat'day afternoon and i told him the post offfice wouldn't be open till monday for me to get a price by which time the auction would have ended.

i can't remember his name and i can't find the message he sent either, but i do know he had a low feedback score less than 30

what's this blokes feedback score

Offline JimBowen

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2013, 12:03 AM »
Quotes from the Bullsh1t article  :LolLolLolLol:

"Then the couple discovered Raf's collection is worth more than $300,000."

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Are you kidding me  :2funny:  not form what i can see from the pic in the article  :LolLolLolLol:

Potential buyers are descending on Melbourne this week after the first 50 bikes appeared for sale on eBay. One man has already boarded a plane in London, prepared to offer more than $6000 to secure a rare Kuwahara, the two-wheel star of the film E.T.,

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Stop it, my sides are splitting  :LolLolLolLol:

He has barely slept for five days, after being inundated with calls from around the world after the first lot of 50 bikes went online.

 :2funny: :2funny:

''Dubai, London, New York, Japan, all over the US, Canada, you name it, I've had more than 3000 phone calls on my mobile this week,'' Mr Merhi said.

Stop now  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

''Some of these bikes have 340, 350 people around the world watching the auctions. I haven't had a proper night's sleep since we put the first 50 online. The biggest mistake of my life was putting my mobile phone number in the eBay listings. Once someone has made a bid, you can't take it off. It's affecting my business. The phone just goes all day.''

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

An original E.T. model Kuwahara in mint condition can fetch thousands of US dollars. Raf owns five Kuwahara BMX bikes, including two mint E.T. models. Ralph has received offers of $6000 for each of those bikes already.

BULLSH1T   :wtf:

 :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2013, 12:25 AM »
you should be able claim all your import duties back as it was a return, contact them to find.

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2013, 09:09 AM »
you should be able claim all your import duties back as it was a return, contact them to find.

Yes Marty I have applied for the import duty to be refunded, but they won't be in any rush to pay that back.

And yes Jim I have his address, the one I shipped the box to and not the false one for him that he sent it back to me from, this is how slippery this guy is well try's to be  :LolLolLolLol:

Yes that article was a bit OTT  I bet it gave him a bigger head than he already had but the true collector is the guy he hides behind and wants to be like which is his brother Raf he is the ex armed forces fella , Ralph is just a WANABE but I fact he is a nobody.
looking at him on the picture he looks a right greasy little tool.

Thinks he can screw me over I will show him what happens when he fooks with an ex Royal Marine , you got it all to come sun shine LOL.

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2013, 09:16 AM »
This is a very interesting thread and i'm sure everyone wants to know the final outcome.
We are hearing stories like this all the time where people are not returning what was sent to them.
Does this guy know how far you are taking this? It will be very damaging to his reputation and rightfully deserved as its clearly a fraud case.
I think its great Parcel Force are going to give you a dvd of you opening the box.

Keep us all updated.
Good Luck  :daumenhoch:

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2013, 09:45 AM »
Perhaps we need to set him up with a fake delivery centre and send the window licking muggy c**t his cranks back!

Offline Stu70

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2013, 10:37 AM »
Hope you get this sorted, sounds like this guy has been trouble for a while, thread from the museum from 2011.

Offline NORTY40

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2013, 10:59 AM »
Can't believe what im reading ...... there's some proper scum on this earth  >:(

Hope you get it sorted mate  ;)  Fingers crossed he gets what's coming to him and what he fookin deserves  :knuppel2:
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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2013, 11:24 AM »
Thank you guys for your support and yes I will keep you posted on how it all turns out.

But no he doesn't know how far this is going to go as i have not even spoken to him since PayPal refund him and that was when he just shipped the nearly empty box back to me, well I say that he doesn't know unless the low life is reading this thread.

But the stupid little boy has taken on the wrong person as I WILL NOT LIE DOWN and let this go away it will be dealt with.

All he had to do was just to sent the frame and forks back to me and that would have been that but the moment I opened that box with crap in it, it became a crime.Plus at the end of the day he can never sell them on as they are stolen goods that belong now to PayPal.

Offline fischflo

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #45 on: July 12, 2013, 11:30 AM »
wow - after reading this, i'm amazed someone actually has this kind of nerve. Hope you'll manage to get this creep one way or another....

I have spoken to PayPal and they have said leave it to them for now, but hey all they have done so far is aid and abet him in this fraud.

Don't worrie he will get what's coming to him but I will cross that bridge when PayPal and the Internet fraud people have done with him.

...what do you think Paypal/Ebay will do with him ..... do you think they'll press charges? I somehow can't imagine they'll do that.


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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #46 on: July 12, 2013, 11:45 AM »
Thank you guys for your support and yes I will keep you posted on how it all turns out.

But no he doesn't know how far this is going to go as i have not even spoken to him since PayPal refund him and that was when he just shipped the nearly empty box back to me, well I say that he doesn't know unless the low life is reading this thread.

But the stupid little boy has taken on the wrong person as I WILL NOT LIE DOWN and let this go away it will be dealt with.

All he had to do was just to sent the frame and forks back to me and that would have been that but the moment I opened that box with crap in it, it became a crime.Plus at the end of the day he can never sell them on as they are stolen goods that belong now to PayPal.

Offline R Al

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #47 on: July 12, 2013, 11:47 AM »
I read this and can't believe what a first class  :Aresehole: this guy is.

Seems he's left a lot of negs on ebay for sellers, even a guy in the UK who clearly states pick up only then negs him for not posting to Oz !!!!
Despite this he has a 100% feedback himself  :shocked:

Seeing as he has a few items for sale that are collection only maybe it's time for some Radtribution  >:D

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2013, 12:05 PM »
 :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: What more can I say......  :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2:

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Re: EBay user rwrightway2009 stay we'll clear guys
« Reply #49 on: July 12, 2013, 12:19 PM »

Seems he's left a lot of negs on ebay for sellers, even a guy in the UK who clearly states pick up only then negs him for not posting to Oz !!!!
Despite this he has a 100% feedback himself  :shocked:

yzp, he does that alot ..... buys collect only stuff and then says
"very rude ebayer really UN cooperative, unhelpful needs to wake up & face world"  :knuppel2:  ... it's instructive to read the sort of feeback he gives ....

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