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Author Topic: What's the crack??  (Read 6074 times)

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Offline Pooch

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2013, 09:02 PM »
I think leehunt fookEd it.
Griff loves BUM..

Offline Waxintaxin

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2013, 09:11 PM »
it's interesting reading this from one of the few who has seen the full cycle of the site from the beginning
And it's interesting reading the comments and opinions on the subject of people's perceptions on the subject. The site always goes a bit slow in the summer but I do agree that it is not as active as it has been, but the site is merely a reflection of its members and the cycle they are going through, as with all hobbies they go through these cycles as new member groups join and fall away. It's natural that people come and go and it keeps the hobby itself going. As more people discover old bmx ,the more they build old bikes and the stock of parts disappears from the marketsw hen I started collecting there were not many bikes built and a lot of parts lots of builds out there and no parts to build them.
IMHO the hobby has lost a lot of good people with a passion for old bikes,but I bet they. All still have their bikes sitting there looking lovely.they will never sell them so all that stock disappears from the market
Once the supply of parts disappears for ever ,the prices find a ceiling and the new blood so to speak disappears as they can not build anything


Offline Badbaldie

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2013, 09:35 PM »
i think a lot of what Chris said in his post is right tbh. we are all new at one time. and its more posative to help the new members and not highlight there "faults" as the saying goes "if you have nothing nice to say say nothing"

Sadly there will always be negative people on any forum waitting to poke fun at newbies and exploite them.

But a forum works best when us the members add to the forum. does'nt matter if its your latest build, posting up your wish list, asking for help , if you add something it makes the forum big and better. maybe people do spend a lot of time on threads like babe of the day , but at least it keep something on the forum flowing.

Plenty of rides organised this year , and the ones ive been on so far have been brilliant .

Maybe some of you reading this thread who do just that sit back and read could post a few pics of your rides, start a new topic, or maybe organise a ride in a town that hasnt held a ride yet?

i suppose we all from time to time drift away from RAD then drift back , and thats not such a bad thing , but maybe we should all try and post something a bit more often and keep interest flowing  :daumenhoch:

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #28 on: July 04, 2013, 09:44 PM »
I love the site for info, pics, the craic, a place for me to vent and tell you my woes. Just miss the bumming gags.  :2funny:

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #29 on: July 04, 2013, 09:50 PM »
I almost didn't come back on, missed the site when it crashed but got used to it not being here

Not been on much since it came back on  :-\

Lost interest in building any old bikes quite a while ago
2 minutes turkish...

Offline fischflo

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2013, 09:58 PM »
... are we going down  :-X ?, i didn't see that really. ok maybe not that much going on in the lounge at the moment, but was more looking at other peoples gorgeous builds anyway recently/after the 'big move'.  ... and there seems to be no end to people building up really nice bikes here, from my perspective. - i for one just enjoy watching other people build or show off their bikes/parts etc. I myself could never build anything that could only come close, so hey.. But one or two bike coming up at some point ....  :D ;D I never understand poeple complain about the silly threads..... i mean the whole origin of this site was one big explosion of whacky sillyness...........

Wer'e doomed, no more parts, peeps just lazy and prices are crazy....  ::)

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2013, 10:00 PM »
did i just say i enjoy ...." watch other peeps show off their parts"?  :-X  :crazy2:  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline Gish

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #32 on: July 04, 2013, 10:03 PM »
put all your old tat away fellas and move with the times

Mid school is the NEW old school  :daumenhoch:
Ride it like its stolen

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2013, 10:03 PM »
I almost didn't come back on, missed the site when it crashed but got used to it not being here

Not been on much since it came back on  :-\

What Betty said.   :-\

I used to make most of my thread entries via the Recent Posts list; I know this has been added back to the page after I made a suggestion to do so, and it is much appreciated, but I reckon it could do with being at least twice as long. Easy (re)entry to a discussion without having to click through Sections etc.. I know, I am lazy.  :-[

I am trying, and still buying bits for builds, and looking forward to meeting up with the Northern Monkeys at RADTOR, but we are also in the middle of diving season, so I am kinda busy with other stuff, too.  ;)

RAD is still the home of OSBMX, though, and everyone loves a RADster!  :4_17_5:

Offline stevesredvxr

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2013, 10:15 PM »
I posted a thread before rad went down saying was anybody else not feeling it at the moment.

Plenty agreed that they'd lost interest.

Rad being down didn't help but I do think there's been quite a large decline in decent threads and quality parts in the last few months.

Lots of chancers and flippers too so this doesn't help and eBay prices are now so ridiculous.
People on there wanting top dollar for bikes put together with any old shite.

This is still the place to be for parts but the nice, rare bits are long gone.

I hope things pick up as people get used to the site and the influx of new members is, like Chris said, a real positive.

Long live RAD.


Offline Jon The Bassist

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #35 on: July 04, 2013, 10:18 PM »
The cost of building proper OS bikes is ridiculous to be honest. There's a lot of us seriously into BMX and riding who have a love for Old BMX who are excluded for that reason. The general interest is definitely there as seen when old pictures are discovered and posted on FB or whatever, the memories and banter come flooding out. Also when OS racing was bigger there were loads of people buying/swapping parts and bikes specifically for racing.

Offline midschooljon

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #36 on: July 04, 2013, 10:29 PM »
put all your old tat away fellas and move with the times

Mid school is the NEW old school  :daumenhoch:

 :4_17_5:  :daumenhoch:
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ELF Double Cross XL.
UGP plates and pad sets
Mid School Race Kit

Offline boofy44

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #37 on: July 04, 2013, 10:36 PM »
i've never been a massive poster on here,less than 2000 posts in over 7 years.there used to lots of goodies for sale
and new builds all the time but the prices these days are just crazy,i,m still on everyday though just being me usual
boring self.

Offline Swivel

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #38 on: July 04, 2013, 10:37 PM »
Come to the ride on Sunday or MK, that'll get you excited again, MK last year was superb, that lake ride and whole atmosphere made me realise that old school bmx will be here for a very long time. The new site has unsettled some but it isn't much different. The For Sale section isn't ike it was even last year but not much amazing stuff appears now, they are all on builds on in boxes. I put up a thread before Rad went down saying I thought things have slowed down, but generally it always does, then 2 weeks before MK it kicks up again. Members leave, lose interest, new ones arrive, the cycle continues on.


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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #39 on: July 04, 2013, 10:49 PM »
There might not be the same amount of traffic on here as normal but as Matt said wait until MK and you'll see plenty of peeps out with their bikes. One thing I have noticed is that people have been using FB a lot more since the crash
There are more OS cruises and private skatepark nights than ever though so I don't think anything is dying out for a good while yet, not when people are still able to pedal  :daumenhoch:


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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #40 on: July 04, 2013, 10:58 PM »
I have been mad busy :D I have looked at plenty of posts but not made many comments :-X
I have noticed that the rides this year are a lot more frequent and are very well attended a few years ago you were hard to get 10 or 15 people on them :daumenhoch: and now 50+ people is common place, The forum will take time to build again but with the buzz of MK looming people will come flooding back :4_17_5:

Offline Waxintaxin

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #41 on: July 04, 2013, 11:28 PM »
There are more bikes built now than ever before
Members come ,some stay for awhile ,some stay for a few posts and some stay forever

Just the way it is

Offline Bob_Acid

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #42 on: July 05, 2013, 12:13 AM »
I can't afford to build bikes. I earn exactly half now what I did a couple of years back, disposable income? pfft. I've got 3 kids and a 4 bed with a sea view to pay for.
If I had the dough though I'd do a Haro Master, not one of those bent drop out ones, a proper one  :daumenhoch:

I still like looking at the bikes other people are doing.

Be it one of the massive money bikes or the back in the day POS that means something to the builder.

Over ten years I've been chatting with like minded people about old skool bmx on the internet and way back then there were probably 30-40 of us in the UK shooting it.

Which suits me  ;)

Offline dancetothedrummersbeat

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #43 on: July 05, 2013, 12:40 AM »
I agree that although the for sale section has been slow, the amount of radsters making the effort and travelling to the many rides shows that the scene is still popular. I agree with the comments that a few others made regarding the new site. I do think there are too many subsections, especially regarding builds. For example i'm not into mid school, so don't tend to check out the 'builds/bikes' section. I prefer the old tech & resto section where you get to see a range of threads with different builds/eras on the same page. Mods, regarding people not re-registering; i may have missed this, but is it worth putting a notice in the ras homepage telling people that this is a new site, so members who have not logged in for a while will know they have to re-register?

Offline Bob_Acid

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #44 on: July 05, 2013, 01:03 AM »
We've had 660 people re-join since we lost the old site, even LondonHellboy made it back in, if people can't find a way in they must be licking windows  :P

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2013, 01:33 AM »
We've had 660 people re-join since we lost the old site, even LondonHellboy made it back in, if people can't find a way in they must be licking windows  :P
I did have to ask Matt what NOS meant though  :D   ;D

I have been here for a while now and it has taken a couple to years to adjust to the site and the members but now get on with most and look forward to new members coming and hopefully livening things up a little. I always look forward to the new builds from members and hope to take ideas for my own builds from them and then in turn give ideas back with what I build.

It's a shame the for sale section has died down a lot though. Are people holding onto what they have now in case they need it for the future and don't want to pay the ever increasing prices? I do have a lot of gear to shift but sometimes feel it pointless posting it as nothing seems to move  :-\  I find it shifts easier on the bay although I have taken a few hits on stuff but, I only use my paypal balance to buy other stuff so need it to shift to get the funds, if I want to build something fresh  :)

I guess it's just me really. I love to build. It's all about putting it together for me and bringing to life something that is inane. Then I like to ride it to get a feel of the bike. It's then that, if it doesn't suit me, I need to get it stripped and moved on.

Oh well, c'mon guys, let's get this place buzzing again and get lots of stuff up for sale so I can get my 2 builds together  :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2013, 01:49 AM »
Exactly  :daumenhoch:

All the time there's two old farts losing the feeling there's another new guy buzzing on it and that's what's keeping it alive  ;)

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2013, 08:50 AM »
We've got a couple of rides happening soon and then MK. There'll be plenty of banter after those and then things should start to liven up.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2013, 09:03 AM »
I agree with some that RAD was a little flat before the crash and that most of the posts were non BMX related, the market is still there for high end parts no doubt about it and there's still plenty of it knocking around but you just have to look a little harder to find it. The day's of picking up amazing parts really easy have gone for now and I think that some folk lose interest if they have to do a little leg work and track them down. The long hard hunt for parts is what's always been appealing to me and my collecting so nothing changed on that front.
 MK will bring the buzz back no doubt about it, but as far as the site goes if people take a bit of time to post on BMX related topics (ie folks builds etc) and not just look at them that will go a long way to restoring the happy vibes and enthusiasm on here. Take Vos's stunning 82 Pro class for example 220 views and only 22 replies !.

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Re: What's the crack??
« Reply #49 on: July 05, 2013, 09:11 AM »
May sound stupid but i would love a night on here where all of the ''old'' members logged on and we had some good banter. Like a meet but online.

It would be easy to do. I reckon it would revitalise the site and bring a bit of bmx back to the site.

I do miss the crazycraig waffle. Loved them threads... :2funny:

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