Hi chaps.
Its a lovely day down here and just been for a ride on my racer

Being out on it has raised a couple of issues with a long standing 83 quadangle build that has been sat on my wall for the last two years gathering dust

I love the framset and this is now the only build left to do and this was planned to be my rider as all my other builds are on my wall and have never been ridden.
I dont have the wall space for another and really want to be riding a build, with the veiw of daily riding and getting fit. I live in Norfolk which is very flat and ideal for cycling but do you think I can build this up to be a sweet regular ride? I think I need to be able to reach 10 - 15 mph for about an hour 4- 5 days a week.

I dont think that is too much to ask from a bike ride is it??
Some of the old school rides I have built and ridden in the past have ended up being about 5-6 mph and my legs have cried out in agony afiter 30 mins and any for of hill has taken every ounce of strenght and left me knackered!
My question is, would you trade it in for a fully built 2009 retro quad or for a a 24 quad cruiser?? Or do I carry on and build it up with old school parts and ride it as it is one of my favourite frame sets and I dont think ill be able to by another

I think what would help would be loads of pics of new retro quads and cruiser quads and old school 80's quads and have some info on how they all ride and then I can choose.

Any advice would be very gratefully received cheers