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Author Topic: Who decided Mid school started in 87 ??? Surely not..... 89-90 at least ??  (Read 18647 times)

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Offline Jono

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86/87 is right to me I'd so old school is pre 86 and is my cut off for builds (always has been) anything from when bash guards ,  lugs on brakes n rotors came out is mid school (to me)

Offline awkward

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Lugs on brakes isn't mid school at all to me, they had them on the Diamond Back Strike Zone in 86.
87,88 bikes were all the same tech as previous bikes.

I think the change started around/after Bashguards when "Street" came in.

87/88 bikes are still old school to me especially how they are all designed a year in advance.

Offline wilsey72

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For what its worth (not a lot) 87 is about right as being the start of mid school imo.

Why do I say this...?
I think everyone will agree the ass fell out of BMX as we knew it around 86/87 therefore it brought on new ideas, designs and gizmos to try and bring it back as being as cool as it was!

This new way of looking at BMX was a new era... therefore MIDSCHOOL as we now know it was born.

That's how I see it and I'm never wrong... ever!!  Cheers Ta. all the best.  :daumenhoch:
GLOUCESTER RIDE 28th July 2018

Offline pickle

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in a word....YOU alll did.

Stidds did a poll for it ages ago and what is set now was decided by a diplomatic vote from our members.


Offline awkward

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Freestyle was at it's peak in 87-88 if anything the sponsors were gone in 89 which spawned a new direction.

If you're talking about BMX racing I can understand an earlier timeline as Freestyle  came into it's own in 84.

But as far as freestyle goes for me 80 to 88 was old school, just look at pictures of RL Osborn's glossy appearance, he had all the sponsors up until 89 then switched and became  raw street/Flatland/rider owned shortly after.

Bully Bashguards 1990 etc

« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 04:39 PM by awkward »

Offline pickle

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Actually it was two threads.

Stidds did a 10 page thread asking for what people thought, this was then boiled down to either decades or the dates we settled on from the thread in a vote.

Ed set up the vote and what we have is what we have.,171969.0.html

Offline pickle

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This subject always rears it's head but we need dates for the show n shine, we understand there is a cross over period for some bikes but that's all fine.

It's all sorted when people register their bikes for Show n Shine  :daumenhoch:

Offline awkward

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I hear you on needing era dates for the Show and shine, but personally I think they are flawed as the Freestyle dates seem to be a little BMX race centric.

Case in point: if Old school Freestyle is 83-86, how can Mid School Freestyle be from 87-2000+??

It's confusing and not accurate from a flatland riders perspective.

Offline pickle

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I hear you but it won't be changing, sorry but it's been done to death.

What works for one doesn't for another.

Sorry  :daumenhoch:

Offline awkward

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Thats fair enough, just acknowledging the error in the Freestyle timeline, after all we're supposed to be the historians. fistblump

This article seems about right to me.

RL being dropped by his sponsors and riding his old school Redline in the dark days of 89, before he started his own company like many others at that time.

Offline CustardLips

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Think our dates tie in with The Bmx Society's dates and they're not just anal about dates... they're anal about everything.  :LolLolLolLol:
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"


Offline awkward

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Again Race centric.

Offline CustardLips

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Again Race centric.

Either way it is what it is and no matter how many times it gets brought up it ain't changing. ??? Do enjoy this debate though... it always upsets some fooker and this time it's you.  :LolLolLolLol:
"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"


Offline awkward

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Lol nah never upset mate, too busy riding!

Offline CustardLips

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Lol nah never upset mate, too busy riding!

"Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time"



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Don't let it stop you bringing your bikes though Trev, even if they have to go in the 'wrong' category

Offline awkward

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Offline Pooch

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My zeronine is 87 and I'm saying old school. Or I've definitely got to sell it😩
Griff loves BUM..

Offline Gish

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My zeronine is 87 and I'm saying old school. Or I've definitely got to sell it😩

Hey John if your 09 is 87 then it's so Mid School  :LolLolLolLol:
Ride it like its stolen

Offline bodamus

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For me very back end of 1986 into 1987 is probably mid school that's when things started to change well in Freestyle anyway.

Offline awkward

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When did Freestyle start?

If DMC was at the top of his flatland game in 87/88, does that make him Mid School?

« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 08:54 PM by awkward »

Offline Pooch

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  • funny you should say that..
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My zeronine is 87 and I'm saying old school. Or I've definitely got to sell it😩

Hey John if your 09 is 87 then it's so Mid School  :LolLolLolLol:
you want that bike bad you evil person 😂😂😂
Griff loves BUM..

Offline Gish

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My zeronine is 87 and I'm saying old school. Or I've definitely got to sell it😩

Hey John if your 09 is 87 then it's so Mid School  :LolLolLolLol:
you want that bike bad you evil person 😂😂😂
Not me John I'm old school all the way  :slayer:
Ride it like its stolen

Offline Pooch

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Griff loves BUM..

Offline ED209

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who gives a fu*k school  :slayer:
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal

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