brown thing is a lucky charm boot - got the mag and the pic in front of me and that's what it looks like
stem is suntour as it has the round ring edges - it has the green reflection of the cross bar
clamp is hinged MX
pegs may be the DP ones - but looks to have a grip half and shiny the other half near the screw end
your right on the hand grenade grip
Pedals look to have a bit of orange reflector in them ? - black end caps ? any help
Grip tape on the top tubes ?
I could be wrong but it looks as there may be a chain tensioner on the chain side ? just the one - it's had to see but couldn't work it out to be any thing else !
rear brake caliper looks to have a round disc - like the cool fin one - might just be a washer
looks to be white DC brake pads
headset may have a flex fighter on it as it look larger than just a normal headset - looks like bolt hole at the front ?
well that what I can see and work out hope it helps

cheers B