hey guys on a wet n blustery sunday morning we gathered on the sea front at eastney for a trial run of a southcoast ride .we got 14 people to start with and we kinda rolled down the seafront heading to the awsome southsea skatepark

then on to the fair

from there we rode onto old portsmouth over the cobbled streets then into gunwarf keys were we stopped and had some lunch ,are stay was extended a good while at the bar due to the monsoon conditions

then when the rain eventually stopped we had a gentle ride back along the sea front
stopping for one or two more photos ,

i would just like to thank all the boys that made it out for those i had not had the pleasure of seeing before and those that i had thank you for making it a good day cheers to sawzall , bendy ,robmac (mobile workshop) insectabones lee kev evan danny tosh dave paul thanks very much and i look forward to doing another earlier in the year lots of plans , bendy has some very arty type pics post them up bendy