so I scored some tuffs off the bay: They were pretty rough & not cheap:

I stripped these down & sent them off to Nick at the Aqua blast centre in Donny, postage for the round trip is around £24 TNT.
Nick had to have a go at them twice to bring them up to standard (so the price went up) but overall the job is good. Yes the tuffs are textured somewhat now but I actually don't mind the finish at all & also the hubs have been dulled down. Nick did try to cover the hubs to some degree but in the end this cover failed as he took a longer amount of time than normal on the wheels. Im not going to metal polish them as it's just too messy so I'm leaving them with the matt sheen which again I like so (bonus).

(Sorry for the i phone pics) but here's some images showing the aquablasted set next to a single new tuff to show you the difference. The thing to remember with white wheels is they all come up differently with aqua blasting, this depends on how old & how dirty they are, plus how much UV they have been exposed to in their life so I was never expecting miracles.

The tyres i have are Kenda K55's I managed to get 2 sets of these shipped over from Australia from a store that won't normally ship to the UK. After some persuasion I managed to talk them round & they are now willing to ship me more if i want them

I'm so glad they did as I love the way they look. Unfortunately postage from Australia is way more expensive than from America but I've not seen these tyres on sale there anyway (I'm guessing it's possibly an SMU ordered by the Australian distributor) I know that Chen Shin also do these SMU'S in the USA as I've bought 2 sets of white from over there. Either way for 2 sets of these plus the shipping it's less than half the price of 1 pair of Panaracers in the UK

Also Blue was a little more like Mike D's ride but i didn't want to use comp 3's a i cant stand them of freestyle bikes.

Next up was choosing the pedals, I'd bought all kinds of different bear traps in Blue but wanted something a bit more authentic, I had an old set of Shimano dx pedals that were red in the garage (forgot to photograph them in their used state ) but i stripped them down replaced the 1/2 " Spindles with 9/16 & painted them myself (got to be honest here I'M STOKED with the results), the colour match's perfectly with the other parts which I'll come on too later.

I decided to Keep the Sugino CT175's & wrap them in a 43t Blue Suntour Chain ring to match the Suntour Headlock & then I found a NOS Suntour Seatpost clamp & the colour matches up just beautifully with the pedal colour so it all works really well as I hate too many shades of the same colout on a bike.

For the handlebars I've gone with are Haro Vector Replicas (they look sooo right on this frame set) & I went with the Oakley F! Grips that i bought from Eamon & he basically delivered them to me (Lovely bloke if you've not met him).

So to the brakes & callipers, well for now as I have so much going on I'm sticking with the 1984 DC 901 & Tech 4 combo but I am having some mx 1000's & repop tech 3' Anno'd green to see what they look like.

As it was a sunny day on Friday I took the bike outside to take a couple of shots & added a white chain that I'd bought for another build (my intention was to have a blue chain) but I actually really like it once it was on.

So to my surprise there she was (Finished) well for now at least, need to drop the seat post a tad but here she is. Dec 1983 Haro freestyler.

Makes a nice addition to the Kitchen !

Parts List:
1983 Haro Freestyler Gen 2
Bob Haro Vector Replica bars
Oakley F1 Grips
DC Tech 4 levers
DC Cables
DC 901's
Flex Fighter
Suntour Head Lock
Tioga Headset
Generic Seat post (might be Haro)
Suntour Seat post Clamp
Re-pop Kashimax Aero seat
Sugino Ct 175 Cranks & BB
Shimano DX pedals
Kenda K55 Tyres
Skyway Alloy Hub Tuff II' s
Awaiting valve caps