Any full pics of that cyclecraft, love a cyclecraft I do 
Only finished it today so just waiting for the weather to clear up before I take some snaps.
I don't know anyone that walked into a bike shop bitd and asked what dates were on the dc cables, so why do it now?
It's a bit sad, especially if the bikes gonna be a rider
Now let's see it proper Jon 
You didnt need to ask the date BITD because you were there at the right time.

To be fair though it was actually a coincidence that they all matched. One thing I hate doing is fitting linear cables to bikes that are pre linear era. Believe it or not its actually quite tricky to buy "regular" cables these days as most shops only stock linears. I found a seller on Ebay selling cheap regular cables so I just grabbed a few and when they arrived I saw they were actually 90's DC ones. Now that I realise they all match up though it does make the build seem that much more "correct".
Will get some pics taken as soon as the weather clears up again.