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Author Topic: Lost ammaco and torker frames stoke staffordshire proof of delivery added  (Read 11272 times)

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Offline adenough

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Surely shunter would have seen your return address on the parcels addressed to Ireland? But I can understand him not takin them in if he didn't. why would you?

Offline fischflo

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no no no no, Shunterdave is the ultimate recipient of the tuffs - the intermediate recipient (of all 2 boxes, i.e. tuffs & 2 frames) is the NEIGHBOUR at no.11.

AND....... as eamonn said, THERE MUST BE RECORDS ABOUT IT. - It should hardly be difficult to get a copy of those. Call parcel2go and ask them to get them (or HOW to get them), ALSO call TNT and ask them the same. Just in case. -> It is the duty of bouth couriers to give 'em to ya. One copy, black on white.


Offline fischflo

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Ahhhhhh ---- I just saw Threaders Jonathan's reply#62 in which he shows this

This DOES NOT show what you've been told, that "he just signed twice once to say 1 parcel accepted and once to say one parcel refused".

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   At first sight it shows that BOTH parcels WERE DELIVERED to neighbour#11. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

What i find fishy is that both signatures seem to 100% identical .... as if one was copied.  

Conclusion: Once you found out what's the deal with the clone-signature, you ought to be able to say EITHER whether neighbour#11 actually got both frames.
OR -in case TNT should've collected two seperate signatures- whether TNT (/parcel2go) has BREACHED the contract.

Case one means you can sue neighbour#11. With case 2 it depends on whether you are actually engaged in some sort of contract with TNT/parcel2go with the Eire-bound parcel. - I think you are - because of the misleading remarks/reaction of the telephone-lady.
As i said before twice:
SHE said she would send you all the necessary documentation, especially RIGHT after she repeated "very sorry that your parcelS have not been collected Jonathan. Would you like me to rebook this... ".

(It would be interesting to know how many parcels you actually piad for. Although this does not necessarily matter...)

Offline fischflo

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Ahhh, you must have paid for two, as the stupid phone lady no.2 (sarah) said this:

"Sarah: I do apologize Jonathan but reading through previous chats you was never advised P2G12038076 was re-booked with TNT. Upon contacting us on the 1/3 and speaking with rose only P2G12038214  was mentioned which was Uk 2 UK and [... ...] and therefore we cannot process a claim"

=> so you did have TWO specific parcel numbers, which -to me- implies that you must have paid for both parcels' delivery .... .

Whatever, Rose made you think she was taking care of both parcels's transport (which you had already paid for ......or not).

....phew  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Well, after reading the last couple of posts, thanks guys, if it were me and I was getting nowhere with the police, even though it's clear that someone here has stolen something, theft, I would be straight down the local rag, local radio station and local Mp with all the info I had.

I would inform the Mp of the lack of any input by the Police in this matter (not good for the Mp's credibility at a local level)  and that you are instigating a local paper to take up your cause (again, not good for the Mp's credibility) if he/she cannot assist you in getting to the bottom of this.

It's fooking disgraceful that shit like this can happen and all the feds are worried about is getting their fat asses fatter with free kebabs and chinese take-aways.

Offline fischflo

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concerning case 1:
I don't think the police will be of any help here. Lets go after the guy who signed for the frames..

case 2:
the question remains what the maximum parcel compensation value is. -> see general agreement.

Offline threaders

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I have to be careful where the police are concerned as they have said they are not sure weather its a legal or civil matter. This was before I  sent them the latest document. ::)
They put me onto the civil legal service, who then put me onto citizens advice, who then put me onto the community legal advice who then told me it is a legal matter and the police should at least be able to go round to no 11 and say for sure that both Parcels were delivered there or not.
Maximum value that parcel2go will pay out for an uninsured lost parcel is £75 (pre paid parcel2go voucher) or £69 back onto the card I used for the booking. Apparantly the max you can insure on parcel2go is £350,  so I have been told.
Paypal have passed on the £370 to a debt collection agency, who I have rung up today to explain that the police are looking into the case and the bloke said "no worries, we will pass the matter back to paypal" so I will wait and see what happens there.
Thanks everyone so far for posting up comments and suggestions and taking the time to read through all this lot. I do appreciate everyones time, opinions, advice and help. It has put me out of the collecting game and ebay for nearly two months and I would really like to get back on it and finish one or two new builds :daumenhoch:

Offline MartyC

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The law will always ignore what limits a company states as their liability, they cannot deny you your statutory rights take them to court and they will settle as the cost of sending a lawyer and preparing a defence is way higher than what you are asking for.  If they fail to turn up at court it automatically goes to you as a win.

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Offline fischflo

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case 1:
Good idea actually to have the police go around and ask neighbour#11 directly  :daumenhoch:
What if he just says: "nah, only took one parcel"? Isn't he responsible anyway, to the extent that he actually signed for two parcels? The question is WHETHER he actually DID SIGN FOR TWO PARCELS or not (one way or another: items accepted/ OR one refusal). (((THe police MUST ask this question ! Imperative that you make that clear to them!))). If yes (both accepted), you could SUE him. If no (he didn't sign twice on way or another) there's no case against him.

If he did not sign twice (one way or the other: items accepted/ OR one refusal), there might be responsibility (for this/) for the "loss" on the side of the courier BEYOND the contract. (...= beyond the maximum compensation value)

If there's something wrong with/about the clone signatures, the courier might have actually BREACHED the contract. -> You could then be eligible to full compensation in the eyes of a court. --- Just find out whether TNT should've needed to collect TWO signatures. --- How come there's the exact same sig on two different receipts?! Very strange... The neighbour talked about giving TWO signatures, didn't he? See, something weird going on.  (One signature might infact be fraudulent ....? I'd say YES, in case TNT had needed to collected TWO sigs (!!!!!!!) AND the sigs on the receipt shown above turn out to be ABSOLUTELY IDENTICAL).

In case TNT didn't have to collect two signatures  -meaning that it is 'normal', usual procedure to copy one signature to several receipts-, but only signature i'm afraid there's no case against parcel2go/TNT.  ---->THEN COLLECT THE 75 PONDS THEY offerD.

(,159726.0.html :
Sarah: I can understand in the chat that you said 'I have been waiting since Thursday Morning for two parcels to be collected with ups'
Sarah: but upon coming onto chat you have to give the P2G numbers and as above you only gave P2G12038214, which is what the operator goes off due to this only P2G12038214 was changed to TNT and you only recieved the details for this.

Offline threaders

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Yes I can do the small claims court, but that is a risk as I sent them uninsured. If the matter turns out to be a civil one, then I can apply for legal aid to try and get a solictor to look into the case and decide if it will go to court. Not looking forward to having to deal with all that headache though :'(

Offline MartyC

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Not wishing to appear rude but if it were my money at stake I would be chasing their ass all the way to the small claims court as they have a duty of care and I would be fcuked if I would let their incompetence cost me 400 odd quid; sounds to me like you have either given up or can't be arsed , either way it's going to cost you 400 odd quid.

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Offline adenough

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Did the Irish guy 100% not get the frames?


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Think you've got to realise your 400 down and move on.
Your not the first or last to lose money shipping\receiving bmx parts.

Offline midschooljon

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Did the Irish guy 100% not get the frames?

^ What he said.
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Offline fischflo

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Think you've got to realise your 400 down and move on.
Your not the first or last to lose money shipping\receiving bmx parts.

But he clearly can't let it happen just like that. There needs to be some sense in the whole system of signing for received items. What good is it if  there's no use in it?

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Just fed up with it thats all. I have only been able to deal with parcel2g0 and I have been chasing it with them since the 22nd of March with emails at least four days a week. They arnt going to budge and have refused to give me the contact details for TNT despite me having been told that its my right to ask for them. You cant get a phone number for them either so I feel I have exhausted that avenue of attack.
I am only on ESA support allowance at the moment, so cant afford a solictor unless its done with legal aid and for that your case has to qualify and it has to be a civil matter. The police have yet to confirm this one way or another.
I put in a complaint to the police dept about their lack of response and requested it be dealt with another officer who wasn't continually on leave of absence, but this hasnt been done yet either. They have a record of every call of enquiry I have made and there hasn't been any response since the case was first reported on the 22nd of March.
I cant go down to stoke as its an £87 train ride and I have to be around here cause my Mum needs caring for.
I hate banging on about it on the forum and I am not after anyones sympathy. Its not that I cant be arsed its just I feel overwhelmed with it all and I cant beleive the attitude I have been given by all concerned.
I have been keeping my eye out on ebay and gumtree daily and by posting all this up, thought that others might be able to keep an eye out as well. I havent got £370 to loose and unless paypal accept the fact that I am not responsible and let me off the £370, I have no choice but to keep pestering the police who really are the only ones who can help :police: :rant:

Offline fischflo

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.... not pestering at all, only sickening thing is that the receipts you've got seem to mean nothing at all...

Offline MartyC

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A solicitor would be a waste of time and money, small claims court via and job done. You cant get solicitors fees back in a small claims case on either side; you have lots to gain as you are already down and muppets like parcel2go need to pay for incompetence.

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I think we are all missing 1 very important point here-they did not deliver ANY of the parcels correctly to the address that was given on the shipping label !! I know parcel companies do leave with neighbours etc BUT they are not meant to deliver them anywhere else without prior permission of the sender so surely TNT are 100% at fault and should fully compensate you anyway  :daumenhoch:

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Cheers fellas. I have begun the process of pursuing it through the small claims court. I think I can only put in a claim against parcel2go as TNT have said the contract is with them, so ill let you know what happens. I will try speaking to TNT again though now I have the proof of delivery, which shows the parcel being delivered to the wrong address. :daumenhoch:

Offline fischflo

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that's the spirit -- we'll do a virtual line dance, when you've won

ok, 20:00 pm  -> bbc2  :daumenhoch:

Offline Moose

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Cheers fellas. I have begun the process of pursuing it through the small claims court. I think I can only put in a claim against parcel2go as TNT have said the contract is with them, so ill let you know what happens. I will try speaking to TNT again though now I have the proof of delivery, which shows the parcel being delivered to the wrong address. :daumenhoch:

Good lad - it's the only way.

As I said before, it has to be Parcel2go, as your 'contract' was with them.  Best of luck (but I'm sure you won't need it) :daumenhoch:

Offline MartyC

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Fantastic, hope you the right and just result  :daumenhoch:

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Offline threaders

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Cheers fellas. Ill let you know how I get on and how long the process takes. I will still be keeping my eye out for the two lost frames in the meantime :police: :daumenhoch:


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Youtube Bailiffs in the meantime so you know your rights.

And best of luck.

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