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Author Topic: Lost ammaco and torker frames stoke staffordshire proof of delivery added  (Read 11156 times)

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Offline threaders

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Just got an email this morning from Parcel2go, they have offered me £75 as a compensation token (£50 standard cover and £25 toward the loss) If I accept it, they will consider the matter closed. I have had no response from the police as of yet, which is pretty bad seeing as I reported it on the 22nd of March :knuppel2:
Here is a transcript of my morning conversation today with parcel2go

You are now connected with Richard
Richard: Welcome to online. How can I help you today?
Jonathan Threadwell: Hi. I have just received an offer of a claim from a missing parcel, but I am not really happy with it as it is only for £75 and the value of the parcel lost was £370
Richard: Ok Jonathan if you wish to dispute a claim you will need to email
Jonathan Threadwell: What happens if I reject the offer, will another one be submitted?
Richard: You would have to email the claims team as I said Jonathan
Jonathan Threadwell: Do you have an email address for the parcel2go complaints department please.
Richard: Jonathan if you want to appeal the decision you need to email the claims team
Jonathan Threadwell: I would also like to make a complaint as I have been trying to sort out this mess with your company since the 22nd of March and have been passed around every department without getting anywhere. I will email the claims department, but I would also like to put in a formal complaint. Could you tell me how I would do this please?
Richard: Ok you would need to speak to a supervisor on here Jonathan is that ok?
Jonathan Threadwell: Yes that is fine thankyou
Richard: Ok one moment please
Richard: Sorry for the delay I am transferring now Jonathan
Please wait while I transfer the chat to Ashley.
You are now connected with Ashley
Ashley: Hello Jonathan, I apologise that you have been passed around. We have simply been trying to fix the problem for you
Jonathan Threadwell: I am sorry, but your company has done practically nothing to help, since the parcel went missing on the 6th of March.
Jonathan Threadwell: Parcel2go have only made a handful of calls to TNT tot ry and locate the parcel and this has only been done as a response to my daily phone calls to chase the matter up.
Ashley: Searches have been made from the courier and I can only apologise that is lost.
Ashley: I can only apologise
Ashley: Everything was done to locate this parcel
Jonathan Threadwell: After a month of this routine, I was told that TNT dont have the parcels and parcel2go have advised me to make a claim. I have put in a claim and this matter took nearly three weeks to reach a conclusion and today I have been offered £75 for the missing parcel which was worth £370
Ashley: Yes Jonathan but you failed to take out any cover.
Jonathan Threadwell: So that is your response for all the distress and inconvenience your company has caused me over the last month and a half? I paid for a service and the service has not been anywhere near good enough. Do you know that I had two failed collection attemps with your site when trying to use UPS and your company said they would transfer the collection to TNT. Tnt turn up and loose the parcel, which has now resulted in paypal passing the matter over to a debt collection agency for the amount of £370
Ashley: I can only apologise. I would advise taking out cover when ever possible.
Jonathan Threadwell: I was also told over the phone that I would be offered the £370 as a good will gesture
Ashley: This is incorrect Jonathan
Jonathan Threadwell: Is this conversation going to be passed on the complaints department. Surley you cant expect me to be happy with your response and the service I have received. You are not willing to do anything about this matter?
Ashley: As there is nothing we can do Jonathan. I am sorry.
Jonathan Threadwell: Please can I talk to someone in the complaints department?
Ashley: If you wish to make a complaint then please e-mail
Jonathan Threadwell: Thankyou and in the meantime I will post this conversation on to the collectors forums that I use on the internet to illustrate what a completly useless and un co-operative service I have recieved.
Ashley: Okay Jonathan. I am sorry you feel this way, for future reference I would advise taking out cover to avoid this situation. Of course I do apologise for the loss
Jonathan Threadwell: Nowhere near good enough.
Ashley: Okay Jonathan

I have now had to email the claims department at parcel2go and the complaints department as well as sending it all over to paypal so they can see I am chasing the matter up. I havent been able to use paypal or ebay for over a month now and have seen some right bargains come and go under my nose :(
« Last Edit: May 04, 2013, 02:41 PM by Threaders »

Offline fischflo

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in my opinion parcel2go is at least responsible for misdelivering one frame - no doubt about that. You'd have to look in the footnotes of the general agreement you must have agreed to one way or another in order to find out whether they might have secured themselves against resposibility of compensation of full worth of goods lost.

If ther is such a clause: no idea whether you have any (legal) chances to get any more than a small compensation.

Second: BOTH frames were delivered to a certain person living at a certain address - if i'm not mistaken you have proof of that. Police will do nothing. If you can prove that this person has received the frames, you ought to be able to press charges against him directly. TNT don't care, Parcel2go don't care. You would have to do it, i'm afraid. But i know nothing about how the British system works....


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Channel 4 tonight at 8pm check that shit

Offline southern andy

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Channel 4 tonight at 8pm check that shit

+1 incredible scenes from the couriers.  :shocked:
One build a year, the only way to get it right. No rushing involved.

Offline threaders

  • Rockwalk
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Didnt get chance to see it as I was out playing my guitar :) Parcel2go are being right fookers. They have offered me £75 which is £50 standard cover plus £25 as a good will gesture, but it turns out that it is the form of a pre paid voucher, which I can only use with their company for postage.
I have told them that I dont think ill be using their company again, so the voucher is no good, but I dont think they give a hairy rats gonad. The police have said I have a right to speak to  someone at TNT as it was them who lost the parcel, but parcel2go are refusing to give me that info :(
Its been nearly two months and have got nowhere and in the meantime I cant use paypal, so my BMX building has come to a standstill :police: I nearly came close to selling my Quadangle just so I can sort out the £370 debt and get things back to normal, but I know Ill regret it.  :idiot2:

Offline MartyC

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Take them to the small claims court, they will settle.

Better to crash and burn than fade away


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Take them to the small claims court, they will settle.
+1    :daumenhoch:

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Cheers. I have looked into that, but it will cost me £35 to make a claim. I dont know if it will do any good though as parcel2go will say I accepted the risk and chose not to send the consignment insured :-\ Ill let you all know how I get on :daumenhoch:

Offline neil

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I'm sure you've got a very good case against them  :daumenhoch: have you been to your local  press about it? I'm sure they wouldn't like any bad publicity especially after last nights programme

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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parcel2go will say I accepted the risk and chose not to send the consignment insured
Just because you chose them and chose not to use insurance, doesn't give them the right to lose your parcels. They wouldn't say that in court and it wouldn't stand anyways.

Offline adenough

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Its a lesson to us all.


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Ok here's my 2cents on the matter.

Insurance or not, if they lose your parcel by negligence they are liable for the cost of your goods.  The insurance you take out just makes it easier to claim against an agency that is set up for these sort of things.

If you can show:

1 they had a duty of care deliver your parcel to the address given
2 they breached that they didn't monitor the parcel or take out adequate steps to make sure it didn't get lost or misdelvered.
3 that breach caused you a loss it cos u some money, you lost a possession because of their actions

Then you can establish negligence against them and successfully sue them.  The value of compensation is set by the courts.  Contractually there is no compensation (because of no nsurance contract), however his does to stop you taking them to cour and winning.

The only issue you will have is showing that they breached the duty as this may be tricky......hope that helps

Offline threaders

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Just got this from parcel2go which they got from TNT. It shows proof of postage plus proof of delivery with a signature for both parcels which were sent.

I have forwarded it on to the police, so hopefully with all that info they can do something. Parcel2go have said this is all they can do as I chose to accept the risk when booking the item.
What is really annoying me is that it should have been so simple to find out what happened to the parcel in the first place, especially as there is a signature for it. The whole policy of me not being able to deal direct with TNT has meant that I have had to rely on parcel2go to chase up the parcel and find out what happened to it. Parcel2go have made the absolute minimum of effort to do this and have just made a couple of calls to TNT and then wrote the whole thing off and offered me £75.
I hope the police can do something now I have given them the all the details and the £100 still stands for anyone who can drop them in at stoke police station, dont have to give your name if you dont want :police:

Offline adenough

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take a copy of this and go to number 11 where the parcels were delivered (i would)  :daumenhoch:


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So is it Shunterdave's address where the parcels ended up?  Bad craic if this is the case?

Offline threaders

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No. The two frames were signed for along with some tuffs for shunterdave by his neighbour at number 11 :daumenhoch: I know shunterdave got the tuffs, but he said nothing had else had been left with  the neighbour :-\

Offline mattfx81

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Have you contacted Claire Gibbons to see how many items were left?

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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So, can I just deliberate.....

You sent 2 framesets to Shunterdave who lives at no.13

Did you send the Tuff's too?

Did all 3 parcels arrive the same day?

All 3 parcels left at no.11 yes?

No.11 gives Shunterdave the Tuff's but not the framesets, yes?


Offline fischflo

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No. The two frames were signed for along with some tuffs for shunterdave by his neighbour at number 11 :daumenhoch: I know shunterdave got the tuffs, but he said nothing had else had been left with  the neighbour :-\

... he SAID he didn't get any more, however he signed for not only the tuffs but also for the frames. There you have it.

Offline adenough

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Look her up on face thingy, ask the 'horse', if she signed for more than one parcel ,well it confirms the above if she did,? worth a few mins giving it a go?


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No.11 gives Shunterdave the Tuff's but not the framesets, yes?

What use would 2 children's bicycle frames be to anyone other than an OSBMX collector?  I'd put money on it that Dave has given you a right good shunting.   :knuppel2:   

Offline threaders

  • Rockwalk
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So, can I just deliberate.....

You sent 2 framesets to Shunterdave who lives at no.13

Did you send the Tuff's too?

Did all 3 parcels arrive the same day?

All 3 parcels left at no.11 yes?

No.11 gives Shunterdave the Tuff's but not the framesets, yes?

Offline threaders

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Nearly right.  I sent two parcels, one had some tuffs in for shunterdave and the other had two frames to go to Ireland. Both parcels were collected and sent at the same time and both were delivered and signed for at the same address and time at number 11  murhall street. Shunter dave lives at number 13. I know he got his tuffs and I did ask if he could check for the other parcel, but he said the frames wern't there.
I passsed on Claire Gibbons phone number to parcel2go and the police. I also sent her a message through ebay, but this was the response:

"Yes my neighbour passed wheels on but had said he wasn't goin tske another parcel with an Irish address on as he felt the delivery man was wrong so he refused it altho I asked him if he signed for any of them he said he just signed twice once to say 1 parcel accepted and once to say one parcel refused . I don't have any other info unfortunately as it was not myself to which parcel was left ? I really hope you locate other parcel and get sorted . I myself have had numerous items vanish in the post . I don't want to be negative but mine were never recovered and I had to put it down to one of those things :( hope your luck is better than I had . Sorry can't be more help :("


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find out who the delivery man was they must have records, some one is lying


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find out who the delivery man was they must have records, some one is lying
EXACTLY THAT MATE  :daumenhoch:

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