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Author Topic: Lost ammaco and torker frames stoke staffordshire proof of delivery added  (Read 11270 times)

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I think we are all missing 1 very important point here-they did not deliver ANY of the parcels correctly to the address that was given on the shipping label !! I know parcel companies do leave with neighbours etc BUT they are not meant to deliver them anywhere else without prior permission of the sender so surely TNT are 100% at fault and should fully compensate you anyway  :daumenhoch:

I agree but they'll be covered.
Regulaters ofcom see this as standard pratice. royal mail have been given the ok to leave next door, unless its special delivery.

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Finally finished submitting a claim through the small claims court and parcel2go have 14 days to respond :daumenhoch:. I called the police again today and I still dont think anyone has been round to check so I will have to put a complaint there way as it been nearly two months without any update :'( Ill let you know how I get on and what parcel2go have to say. I have my fingers crossed but I am doubtful that they will do much.
Thanks again to all that have responded with helpful comments and have wished me luck in this case. Cheers, Jonathan :daumenhoch:


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Best of luck.

Offline fischflo

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I can't believe it - I mean, what do they say, when you ask them if they've been round already? I mean they can hardly be that busy. Two simple questions:
- did you receive two parcels ?    - did you sign for two parcels?      .......  I know they probably won't have to help you, but you would very much appreciate it an officer could ring at this guy's door. I mean in case he did it - HE CAN'T JUST get away with it, right? Isn't that what the police is there for - to Fukcin help you?
But don't say fukcing  :LolLolLolLol:

 :2gunsfiring_v1:  :smiley6600:

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.... maybe it would be good to write down your basic problem in TWO or THREE SENTENCES .... so the officers know in which way they are actually helping you when they ring at this anonymous guy#s door and ask him those 2 questions.

The basic help of course is they're asssitance in clearing up the INCONSISTENCY that arises from the RECEIPT -i.e. the SIGNED FOR 2nd frame (...why not add a copy of that receipt for the cops, show them your effort....) on one hand-    and the neighbour#2's CLAIM, that he hadn't gotten TWO parcels.

How else to clear this up efficiently ..... than by your friends' and helpers' friendly help ........  :)?

ADD this:
You followed their route and advice and at the end of that route you were told that "...the police should at least be able to go round to no 11 and ..." 

...POLICE ...
They put me onto the civil legal service, who then put me onto citizens advice, who then put me onto the community legal advice who then told me it is a legal matter and the police should at least be able to go round to no 11 and say for sure that both Parcels were delivered there or not.

« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:34 PM by fischflo »

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Thanks for the reply. Part of the problem is that I am in Norfolk and the crime was in Stoke. You have to report the crime where it happened, so I contacted the staffordshire police, who then put me through to Stoke police station where I reported it. Trouble is that when trying to ring to get an update, your passed through these two stations and you end up speaking to loads of different people.
I was assured that the officer dealing with the situation is on duty today and I should get a call tonight. If I don't then a formal complaint will have to be made I think :daumenhoch:

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cool  ;) ... course you could also get his name and then -when calling- ask to get connected to officer Blimpy (made that up :D) directly.

                  John Wayne - Call The Police .


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..... if she doesn't shut up...pffssst  :LolLolLolLol:

Offline nosepickben

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So what happened in the end here?

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I b interested aswell

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Hi Fellas
Thanks for keeping the interest up. I was thinking of rekindling the thread a few weeks back. Nothing ever came of the police investigation, I havent spoke to them in Months but last time I did speak to them, they said they had been round to the address on Murhall street and there was no reason to suspect that the person who lived there knew anything about the frames. They did confirm that the neighbour signed for two parcels but havent seen reason enough to pursue it.
I did take the issue up with the small claims court, which cost around £50 to set up a claim and meanwhile Parcel2go offered me £75, which I declined.
The whole situation took nearly 10 months and in the end the small claims court ruled in parcel2go's favour, so I got nothing in the end :'( and lost the £370, which is what the two frames sold for.
I might have been able to do more, but my mum passed away in June and the two missing frames went to the back of my mind. I have been keeping an eye out on here and on the bay and I saw two torkers the same as the one I lost, but they belonged to people on here, so I knew they wern't mine.
Here are the pics again of the two lost frames:

The Torker 2 280 air with torker 2 540 decals and a fresh powdercoat. There were some imperfecions in the powder like some grit got in there as well and this was most obvious on the twin top tubes ;)

The ammaco freestyle frame with a crack in the gusset and mongoose tange forks.
Bottom line is I wont send anything uninsured now, even if it cost an extra tenner, ill pay it just to be safe and I always try to factor in the insured postage price when selling on here or on the bay. I dont plan on selling anymore framesets and have just bought another torker to restore, but ill always miss the two frames I lost. Just glad that they wern't a hutch trickstar and a freestyle quad :-[

« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 09:12 AM by threaders »

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Real sorry to hear about your Mum dude, can understand why this was put to the back of your mind.

Hopefully the guys here keep an eye out for the frames. Someone is bound to slip up sooner or later
Neil, the bathroom's free. Unlike the country under the Thatcherite junta

Offline nosepickben

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Ah mate, very sorry about your mum, and the frames. You sound like an upbeat chap so I hope it doesn't sour future.  :daumenhoch:

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that sux man - hope it comes back to you somehow

Offline fischflo

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TNT (at least: should've) needed to collect TWO signatures - one for the accepted, one for the refused.
By failing to do so, TNT is responsible for the whereabouts of one packet being unaccounted for.

You did the right thing, Jonathan - fight for your right :2gunsfiring_v1:     stupid court. :yahoo_silent:

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