Proper fed up with these guys, never had any trouble before but am really getting shafted this time

I sold two frames to a member on here and have him a good deal for buying two frames at once. He pays right away, so I make the booking for a collection on Thursday 28th Feb with UPS via parcel2go.
The two frames were a Torker 280 and an chrome ammaco freestyle frame. I did them both for £370 posted, which I thought was a good deal. It was for that reason I couldnt send them insured as it was only after payment had been made that I realised they were both going to Ireland and I couldnt afford to loos out any more money.

I was also paid via paypal goods so had fees to pay on top, but to be fair, when this was explained to the buyer, he gave me an extra tenner towards postage costs.
Anyway, the parcel was booked along with another parcel containing some tuffs that I sold on the bay for the 28th feb (thursday). It gets to Friday night and UPS havent shown up so get in touch with parcel2go and they rebook with UPS for Monday.
Monday Night comes and they still havent turned up. It is at this point that all the trouble starts.
Parcel2g0 apologise and say the following (excerpt from conversation)
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:01 Jonathan Threadwell Hi. I have been waiting since Thursday Morning for two parcels to be collected with ups. They didnt turn up on Wednessday so someone from here re booked for Today and they havent turned up today either.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:23 Rose Hi Jonathan
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:26 Rose I do apologise about that.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:26 Rose Could you confirm the collection address for me please?
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:39 Jonathan Threadwell Yes. Its Jonathan Threadwell
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:45 Jonathan Threadwell The weavers cottage
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:49 Jonathan Threadwell Cross road
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:22:11 Rose Thank you.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:24:17 Rose I am very sorry that your parcels have not been collected Jonathan. Would you like me to rebook this for collection on Monday? I can offer you a free change of courier to TNT.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:25:24 Jonathan Threadwell Hi. I like the offer for free service via TNT but could it be on Tuesday instead and what happens about the fee I have already paid? Many thanks
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:26:47 Rose Yes certainly Jonathan - the fee you've already paid goes towards sending this item, we're just waiving the usual change of courier fee

Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:27:22 Jonathan Threadwell Ah I see. Yes that will be fine in that case.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:27:45 Rose Thanks, one moment please.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:28:04 Rose I have now re-booked your collection and e-mailed your new documentation over to you. If you could remove the old label and apply the new one that would be much appreciated.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:29:40 Jonathan Threadwell Many thanks for your help and time. I would never choose UPS again as I have never had any trouble with your company before. So collection will be on Tuesday via TNT?
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:30:34 Rose Yes it's booked in for Tuesday

Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:30:52 Jonathan Threadwell Many thank again, Jonathan:)
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:31:26 Rose Have a good evening

As you can see. I was under the impression that both parcels (one containing two frames and the other some tuffs) had now been booked for collection by TNT for Tuesday morning 5th of March.
TNT turned up Tuesday morning and picked up both parcels and have left me two reciepts with two consignment numbers on them. I get in touch with the seller and explain whats going on and apologise for the delay.
I leave it a while and find out after nearly a week, they havent been delivered. I get in touch with TNT who have both address details on their system for the two parcels. They can locate the tuffs but not the two frames and advise me to contact parcel2go.
I leave it another couple of days hoping that the frames will turn up and after not hearing anything I get in touch with again.
This time I am told by parcel2go that its my fault that the frames have gone missing as I have given them to the wrong courier. They say that when the booking for UPS was transfered to TNT it was only for the one parcel and not the two.
Here is the conversation from today:
Welcome to Someone shall be with you shortly.
You are now connected with Christopher
Christopher: Welcome to online. How can I help you today?
Jonathan Threadwell: Hi. I have had a few problems with a parcel that was collected last Tuesday via TNT.
Christopher: Hi Jonathan
Christopher: Can you give me a minute or two to look into this for you?
Jonathan Threadwell: Yes no problem
Christopher: Thank you
Christopher: TNT have advised that they have no tracking scan against this parcel and have requested a full description of the missing parcel and its packaging
Jonathan Threadwell: This isnt good enough. The parcel was supposed to be picked up with UPS on two occasions and they didnt turn up for either of them. Then parcel2go said they would change the courier to TNT who have now lost the parcel which has a total value of £370.
Christopher: Did the driver leave a collection receipt?
Jonathan Threadwell: I have two reciepts as he collected two parcels. One has been delivered to a neighbour and the other has gone missing
Christopher: Are there any reference numbers on the receipts?
Jonathan Threadwell: I have a consignment no of 267465275, but when I use this on the tnt tracking page, the parcel is showing up as delivered to an address in singapore. I contacted TNT and they said they re use consignment numbers, so were not very helpful
Christopher: Thank you
Christopher: Please can I take a full description of the missing parcel and its packaging
Jonathan Threadwell: I cant remember the total dimensions of the parcel, but the contents were two vintage bmx bike frames, packaged with bubble wrap and news paper. I had put both my address as sender and the delivery address which is in Northen ireland
Christopher: Thank you
Christopher: I'm extremely sorry about this situation. In order to resolve this, I need to contact the courier for you. I will do this now and as soon as they get back to us I'll be in touch via the e-mail provided on the order to keep you up to date.
Jonathan Threadwell: Do you think I will be able to claim any of the value back?
Christopher: Unfortunately not as the parcel was handed to the incorrect courier
Jonathan Threadwell: That must be a mistake on your part then surley
Christopher: I'm afraid not Jonathan, you handed the parcel to the incorrect courier
Jonathan Threadwell: I am not accepting that at all. I want to speak to a senior supervisor. I was told last monday that the collection I booked through your site will have to be transfered to TNT you must have a record of that.
Christopher: P2G12038076 was booked with UPS not TNT, it was never rebooked with TNT
Jonathan Threadwell: I have the two parcel2go emails, which I was instructed to use. As parcel2go apologised for ups failing to pick up the consignment of two parcels and in order to rectify the problem, they said they would transfer the order to TNT free of charge.
Christopher: This was only for the order P2G12038214
Jonathan Threadwell: I have just had an email from Kirsty Crowe at parcel2go saying that that parcel has gone missing as well
Christopher: Yes Kirsty emailed you at 14:03
Jonathan Threadwell: So your company tell me that they will transfer the booking to TNT then send me out two parcel labels and then TNT turn up and give me two reciepts, then they loose both parcels and your saying its my fault that I handed them to the wrong courrier. Please can I now speak to a senior advisor?
Christopher: No Jonathan. You had 2 orders booked with UPS, one UPS International delivery and one UPS UK mainland delivery. The UPS UK order was rebooked for collection with TNT. The UPS International order was not rebooked with TNT therefore you could not have received any TNT labels for this order
Jonathan Threadwell: I want to speak to a senior advisor please as requested on two other occasions
Christopher: I can pass you through to my supervisor however they will only advise the same Jonathan
Jonathan Threadwell: I had two orders booked with UPS as we both agree. I was told last Tuesday, that as UPS failed to collect my two orders, that they would be transfered to TNT. Your company never mentioned that they would only transfer one of the items to tnt and I have two emails containing two parcel delivery labels. Please can I speak to a senior advisor?
Christopher: As advised - I can pass you through to my supervisor however they will only advise the same Jonathan
Jonathan Threadwell: Please pass me on in any case. Thankyou
Christopher: Thank you, I won't be a moment.
Please wait while I transfer the chat to Sarah.
You are now connected with Sarah
Sarah: Hi Jonathan
Sarah: Can you give me a minute or two to look into this for you?
Jonathan Threadwell: Sure no problem
Sarah: I do apologize Jonathan but reading through previous chats you was never advised P2G12038076 was re-booked with TNT. Upon contacting us on the 1/3 and speaking with rose only P2G12038214 was mentioned which was Uk 2 UK and failed with UPS and this was the one which was changed to TNT there was no mention of P2G12038076 and even so we would not be able to change this as we do not offer upgrades for international parcels to TNT. You recieved a new label for P2G12038214 Uk 2 Uk with TNT and you did not get any other information for P2G12038076 you have handed this to the incorrect courier and due to this its not a or courier error and therefore we cannot process a claim.
Jonathan Threadwell: If that is the case, then why have UPS not turned up to collect the initial order. I am very dissapointed as I have been a good customer of yours up until now, Can I have a copy of the original conversation that took place on 1/3
Sarah: As this has not been re-booked Jonathan since the 1st March Jonathan.
Sarah: Taken By: Rose
Sarah: Start Time: 01/03/2013 17:19:46
Sarah: End Time: 01/03/2013 17:31:52
Sarah: Visitor Name: Jonathan Threadwell
Sarah: Chat Length (Minutes): 12
Sarah: Linked P2Gs:P2G12038214
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:01 Jonathan Threadwell Hi. I have been waiting since Thursday Morning for two parcels to be collected with ups. They didnt turn up on Wednessday so someone from here re booked for Today and they havent turned up today either.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:23 Rose Hi Jonathan
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:26 Rose I do apologise about that.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:26 Rose Could you confirm the collection address for me please?
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:39 Jonathan Threadwell Yes. Its Jonathan Threadwell
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:45 Jonathan Threadwell The weavers cottage
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:49 Jonathan Threadwell Cross road
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:54 Jonathan Threadwell Swanton abbott
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:21:59 Jonathan Threadwell Norwich Norfolk
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:22:03 Jonathan Threadwell NR10 5DT
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:22:11 Rose Thank you.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:24:17 Rose I am very sorry that your parcels have not been collected Jonathan. Would you like me to rebook this for collection on Monday? I can offer you a free change of courier to TNT.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:25:24 Jonathan Threadwell Hi. I like the offer for free service via TNT but could it be on Tuesday instead and what happens about the fee I have already paid? Many thanks
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:26:47 Rose Yes certainly Jonathan - the fee you've already paid goes towards sending this item, we're just waiving the usual change of courier fee

Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:27:22 Jonathan Threadwell Ah I see. Yes that will be fine in that case.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:27:45 Rose Thanks, one moment please.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:28:04 Rose I have now re-booked your collection and e-mailed your new documentation over to you. If you could remove the old label and apply the new one that would be much appreciated.
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:29:40 Jonathan Threadwell Many thanks for your help and time. I would never choose UPS again as I have never had any trouble with your company before. So collection will be on Tuesday via TNT?
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:30:34 Rose Yes it's booked in for Tuesday

Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:30:52 Jonathan Threadwell Many thank again, Jonathan:)
Sarah: 01/03/2013 17:31:26 Rose Have a good evening

Sarah: I can understand in the chat that you said 'I have been waiting since Thursday Morning for two parcels to be collected with ups'
Sarah: but upon coming onto chat you have to give the P2G numbers and as above you only gave P2G12038214, which is what the operator goes off due to this only P2G12038214 was changed to TNT and you only recieved the details for this.
Jonathan Threadwell: I want to know what your going to do about this. You can see clearly that I was given the impression that my original order had been re booked through TNT I have two TNT receipts here in front of me with two seperate addresses on each. I also have two labels sent to me from your company. I also have been given no explanation as to why UPS never turned up for the two original bookings
Sarah: We have contacted TNT to look into this to see if they can locate the item but as this was handed over to them then you cannot make a claim as this was given to the incorrect courier on your own accord you was never given the paperwork for TNT or advise that P2G12038076 was changed to TNT. Unfortunately the courier has not left record of why the collection failed, so I’m unable to clarify why this happened. Failed collections can happen for a wide variety of reasons.
Jonathan Threadwell: I am not accepting that statement. How you can think I wasnt going to give them the two parcels is completly un reasonable of you. I was told the collection was rebooked for Tuesday with TNT. TNT knocked on my door on Tuesday and said they were here to collect two parcels.
Sarah: TNT would not say they was here to collect 2 parcels as only 1 was booked in Jonathan and you only recieved details for 1 TNT parcel. Due to this you have handed the incorrect parcel to the courier.
Jonathan Threadwell: I have two reciepts for both parcels. Both parcels have gone missing and the total value is over £400.
Sarah: you have given the 2nd item to the incorrect courier which as stated we cannnot cover for. We are looking into this with TNT and we will contact you as soon as we have an update.
Jonathan Threadwell: I want to speak to someone in charge so I can appeal against your statement.
Sarah: I am the highest person which you can speak with online. Should you wish to take this further you would need to email
Jonathan Threadwell: I will email that address and send them a copy of this whole conversation and request in Inquiry. I have been treated very unfairly and you gave me the impression that both orders had been transfered. Are you going to give me any expalnation as to the reason why BOTH parcels have gone missing?
Sarah: You was not given the impression both item was re-booked Jonathan. You have handed the 2nd item to the incorrect courier as stated We are looking into this with TNT and we will contact you as soon as we have an update.
Jonathan Threadwell: Sorry, but I disagree. I booked two parcels to be posted on your site is that not correct?
Sarah: Yes both with UPs and you contacted us and gave only P2G12038214 to be re-booked which was done and you recieved the new paperwork for this. P2G12038076 was never mentioned and you never got new paperwork for this so you gave this to TNT on your own accord.
Jonathan Threadwell: I will chase this up tomorrow and in the meantime will contact TNT myself and will send a copy of this conversation to the email address you gave me.
Sarah: No problem.
Jonathan Threadwell: Many thanks for your time
Sarah: Many thanks for contacting Online. If you do require any further assistance please do not hesitate to come back to us.
If you have made it this far, then I appreciate your time and would like to ask anyones opinion and suggestions for what to do now. £370 is alot to loose and I have advised the buyer to put in a claim through paypal as he paid via goods and not gift.
Any thoughts would be much appreciated and the buyer is a new member, so he will understandably be worried. TNT have said that so long as the parcel had the right address and had the sender details on it, then it will more than likley turn up either here to me or at the buyers address.
Cant beleive the way I have been spoken to by parcel2go. Made to feel like shite just because I am enquiring as to the location of a valuble parcel