agree with that Rich its hard work getting people to commit , were old fookers and life gets in the way unfortunatly, not like the yoot with no worries
to be perfectly honest its been one of the reasons for my lazy ass approach to organising the Donni stuff , Wadz has got a buzz on about it after a brief visit the other week hence the conversation we had the other night ,
it was going to be hard work when the place opened to get enough to cover the cost of the place , however the owner has cut his prices as he always intended to do in order to keep things real , he's knows some of us are into the £50 £60 region to get to some of these nights, and has actually given us a good price i think £10 each is not out of the way?
plus the heaadache of actually trying to sort out a night , seen ed at the t1 nights stressed up ....... not for me i'm afraid , as things are now the suspect list of people we know will turn up will cover the cost of a Doni session hence Wadz n me moving on it . will see how it goes eh?