Aimed at more at the younger riders out there...
2013 will see the launch of the UK's first ever week long residential BMX camps! Younger riders will get the chance to visit a whole bunch of the best indoor and outoor parks, aswell as ride and learn alongside some of the top pro's in the country like Mat Armstrong (pictured). There are three weeks to choose from - and with companies like Crucial, MGP and Flick Trix already onboard - and more to follow (TwentyFive9 and Verde have just emailed back) - you can also expect some great free product for each camper!
The camps are open to boys (and girls) and different ability levels are welcomed - afterall the pro's will always have something to teach you! It's worth pointing out the camps are pretty intensive - with up to 10 hours riding a day - so complete beginners will probably struggle - you've got to love your BMXing! There's always a seriously fun and crazy atmosphere on camp and previous camps have seen kids come from all over the country, even mainland Europe to visit awesome parks like Adrenaline Alley, Stoke-on-Trent Plaza, Terminal 1, Deeside, Creation, The Works and Rampworx - plus a whole bunch of great outdoor spots that our pro's recommend.
Check out the website for all the dates and info. It's what BMXing in Europe had been waiting for!