I've been on here a week or so now and it seems like you guys have a pretty cool forum, found some interesting threads!
I started riding in 1996 on a Dyno Compe when I was 15...

I loved that bike, and spent forever with the Autosol cleaning the chrome!
Since then I haven't taken any pictures of my bikes

so I thought that I'd amend that by taking pictures of the ones I ride now...
First one is my park bike, it's a short 20" Fit S3 frame with a mixture of components, mostly Odyssey. I've had it a while now and I'm reluctant to change it, especially as I love riding it so much as it is! I run a KHE freecoaster and spend more time going backwards than forwards

Finally my flatland bike which I don't ride enough, I love flatland by my god it's difficult! There's an interesting story behind the Federal Fraction frame, as it was given to me by Ian Morris himself back in 2004

Name: Steven Burns
Occupation: Inventory counter
Years Collecting: Don't really have a collection, but I started in '96
Interests: Cars, music, breakdancing, snowboarding etc
Dislikes: Tattoos
Favourite BMX: Quite like the new stuff from FlyBikes
Favourite Old School BMX Brand: No idea! Schwinn perhaps!?