Here we go then

An idiots guide to removing profile or similar cranks
Loosen the back wheel and get the chain out the way, i haven't but you'll get the idea
Hammer and a profile removal/installation tool or if you don't have one a 1/4" socket set extension bar, and old one is a good idea, like mine the ends will mushroom after a few years bb removal

Assuming your cranks/bb look something like this, remove the non drive side axle bolt and washer, if you want to remove the drive side arm and sprocket from the axle loosen the bolts a touch while they're still on the bike to make em easier to remove once the cranks are out, for bb replacement or swapping cranks from bike to bike just the non drive side will do

Removal tool screws into the axle then you whack the end of the tool pushing the axle out of the drive side

Or if you don't have a removal tool the socket extension bar will do the same job
This end

Place here, and whack it again pushing the axle toward the drive side

With profile cranks the axle bolts hold the whole thing together, bb cups should sit slightly proud of the bb shell like this

Before you fit a bb put the bearings/cups on an axle with the tube spacer and hold em up to the bb shell to check the tube spacer is long enough if it's too short the cranks won't spin freely, saves the ball ache of finding out when you fit the cranks and tighten everything up

Here's the whole axle/bb as Danny pictured but with the cone spacers, wider one goes on the non drive side

To remove the bb use the socket set extension bar to lever the tube spacer out of the way and give the bearing cups a good whacking till they pop out, they do end up covered in whack marks on the back

I know they're an odd pair of bearings but they were the first 2 i found in my box of shite

Hope this has been some help