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Author Topic: Will only 1 picture still say a thousend words ?  (Read 399 times)

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Will only 1 picture still say a thousend words ?
« on: December 21, 2012, 12:19 AM »
Why is it fast becoming popular, to only put one picture of a bmx for sale on ebay, when the price is well above £250+ and think that people will buy it just from that  ???

There seem to be a lot of  "just finished building" ~ "all NOS parts" ~ "look at the parts listed" - but only one picture of there build ?

I know there are the sellers that will show big pictures and lots of them to sell there pride and joy ~ they also so give up any info to do with the bike from back in the day - usually tell you that the tire are OK for show but warn you not to ride them and so on

If you are selling a bike for £600 then surely they can spend an extra 48p on four more pictures  :crazy2: or go crazy and do 12 pictures show nearly every angle of the bike and it's parts  :uglystupid2:

cheers  B  :D

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Offline bobbbbsy

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Re: Will only 1 picture still say a thousend words ?
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 12:25 AM »
B you are assuming everyone has a brain and some sense. sadly not the case these days!  :crazy2:

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Re: Will only 1 picture still say a thousend words ?
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2012, 08:28 AM »
true it's so dumbass....i'm always very wary of some twonk who can't be bothered to show you a few pictures. I always think they've got something to hide and should be avoided at all costs.  :rant:

I'd never spend £500.00 on something from from 'A' picture in the real world so why is it acceptable on ebay ?
always smacks of sheisters and scammers to me ?
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Re: Will only 1 picture still say a thousend words ?
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2012, 08:44 AM »
A thing to remember is that the majority of people are stupid. I went with my Dad to look at a few motorbikes (for him), that were described as 'excellent condition' on ebay, with one poor quality picture on the listing. As soon as we pulled up outside the houses we knew what the condition would be: tired and grubby, with minor repairs needed. One persons 'excellent' is another persons average. The 2 bike owners genuinely thought their bikes were up to scratch. They were just unrealistic and didn't have a clue. I think this applies to many ebay sellers. Although there are scammers out there, i think the majority of poor listings/descriptions are down to stupidity and ignorance

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