bit more history about it
Modfather bought it and rode it for a while but never really pushed it that hard - he had it up for sale at one point, to which no one wanted it at the price it was - now i wanted a new school ride and asked if there was a swap to be had - i offered my second Pro Burner frame n' forks (with other bits ) this was missing it's gusset but the frame was good - he um'd and arrr'd - so i also throw in a Supertuff mk 1 burner (good condition)
He was worried about trying to sort out the plates for the gusset and getting it chromed/painted
The deal was done 99% and then he dropped out ? (pussy)
so the bike was supposed to be mine - but it never made it

Neal had the Pro burner off me - got the gussets laser cut - man'd up and made one of the finest Pro burners out there - winning bike of the month on RAD
The Super was sold - i bought a Stereo Electro NS
so there is a bit more history about the bike