got this frame off olly- mdbh awhile ago ,always wanted to this'87 master colour scheme
gone for a mix of mid parts but with threadless fork/stem combo,will be used for flat next year
big thanks to olly for the deal on the frame,to get me started

superbike dan for the amazing paint job

sorry for all the hassle with the colours

del for the fantastic decals

parts breakdown
frame+forks:'92 groundmaster frame/1 inch threadless forks /gusset little git stem
steering:'88 haro bars/ a'me unitrons
wheels: front sun bfr rim penegrine hub/ rear bfr rim penegrine freecoaster

/ haro tyres -built wheel set myself
drivetrain:oddy crank/gt peds /tioga powerdisc+sugino 39t ring
brakes:tech 77 levers /front ad990 /rear hombre -990 wouldn't clear chain

seating: fusion double seatclamp/gt seat
extras: oddy gyro2 with cut down upper cable(used a gsport nipple clamp) fusion ally pegs
pretty happy with it so far-just mybe a set of penegrine rims to finish it off