Ok it was only in the crowd.

That's me in the pale blue v-neck just under Campbell's rear tuff, I'm in some of the others too.
The blonde kid on my right in the pictures is my mate from school, Paul Dudley, who I think Lazychubbs said was still riding Rom, or was up until recently. I think he's a member here too.
The magazine is BMX Biker Special: The A-Z of Freestyle from either late 84 or early 85 (I can't see a date on it) and I think it was a one off issue. I didn't know I was in the mag either, I just bid on it on eBay and when it arrived I was flicking through when I recognised my mate before I saw myself.
I've put them up as thumbnails so just click on them to see full size. Depending on your screen resolution imageshack might scale the full size image but just click on it again to see it at 100%. I've got the rest of the mag all scanned, and cleaned up at 300dpi if anyone is interested? I can put a pdf up somewhere or something?
