As someone relatively new to the scene ( about 14 months now ) I have to say its a steep learning curve. In saying that its bloody addictive as we all know.
Am I jealous of those who got into it early...HELL YES ! The money I've spent on my 3 builds probably could have got me 12 bikes back then

For my first build (85 Haro Master) I was a bit of a sucka...I paid over the odds on ebay/Biagio for nos parts at first but as time goes on you wise up and you get to meet many good guys who are willing to help and give you stuff at fair prices (Mark at RetrospectBMX is a real star, some American collector contacts I met through ebay and an amazing UK collector (not on any forums but he has a holy of holies in his loft with over 100 perfect nos bikes and multiple copies of nearly every nos part ever produced).
I have to say I've loved every minute of it

The parts I paid top dollar for seem to be selling now for at least half as much again even in this short amount of time so I don't feel so dumb.
The main problem as I see it is that the premium NOS parts are getting scarcer and scarcer which means that factory spec/tribute bikes are getting harder and harder to complete.
I do find it crazy that as a grown man in my 40s that I still can't afford to have my real dream bikes (a gen 1 Haro replica/Eddie Fiola GT/ Woody Itson Hutch ) but that's life I guess.
We've all got to have dreams....I'd love a Ferrari but my Alfa Romeo is pretty knarley so I can't grumble.... and so it is with BMX....
My latest build is going to be my first rider and I can't wait until it's finished. I'm being patient and sensible and you guys here are helping a bundle but it is all about compromises.
I'd love NOS graphite tuffs and Vector Bars but For the £1500 they would cost I can alternatively make 2 pretty nice riders with used and repop parts.
Is that a crime ? I guess 5 years ago it definiely would have been seen as a sin and lazy but to us newbies we don't really have much choice. Am I stupid enough to go for a ride on my Nos £200 tyres and £200 pedals...hells no!
For every

at MK12( "my gen 1 is better than your gen 1 --you know who you are !!

) there were a 300 people who love this shit to the point of autism and are willing to spread the love (and old parts).
It's the spirit of this site that is the only that will keep this thing alive...... we've all got to genuinely fook ebay because ultimately that will destroy the thing that we all love

Jeesus where the fook did all that come from
