Number 85 for me and have to say im really impressed with it. Chrome finish is excellent, so are the welds and build quality

Made up

It does weigh a ton but i've not bought it for serious riding. I have other bikes for that, although it rides real smooth and is so easy to manual.
This is for crusing the streets or towpath to the boozer

2012 Skyway TA 24 XL F&F and Bars
24" Tuffs and Michelin Whitewalls
Redline twin pinch flights and sealed BB
Profile imperial 36t sprocket
Dicta 16t freewheel
Izumi chrome chain
Profile axle adjusters
Oddyssey shark bite pedals
Profile acoustic stem
VP sealed headset
Diacopme mini V brake
Shimano DX lever
Oddyssey slick cable
ODI longneck grips
Pazzaz Chrome micro adjust seat post
Profile slim seat clamp
Skyway seat