After seeing what a lovely job scorcher mick has made with my unfinished TA project it's given me the kick up the bum to get going again , last year was a bad year , just got the bmx bug again then shattered my knee at chic sands bike park ... gutted

The project went for sale and I just had to concentrate on recovery ... 90% better now so time for a winter project and get ready for next year ...
I missed a chrome TA ff for sale here the other day and had the bug big time l so after some searching have found a lovely original 83 TA , the only problem is its in Pennsylvania lol .... The owner is happy to help me get it here , some bits I don't want like the wheels so that will help with weight , funny I spoke to him tonight asking If he had any history on the bike ( as he didn't seem very clued up ) when he let me into a little secret , he found it in the skip from the house clearence next door , the neighbours did a runner and the land lord threw everything in a big skip ! . Glad I came along to save it from the skip and give it a good home ... Very excited
Just gotta get it here now !