Maybe your right Ollie. But that's the second one that has gone for silly money!
But on the other side of things how many people are there out there that are willing to pay that sort of of money for that frame and forks. Once you have bought one your not exactly gonna spend a silly amount on another. Unless your stupidly "I have just won the lottery" rich.
That went for more than a minty mint gen 1.
However it is true that not many survived. And Hoffman didn't do Haro any favours snapping 5 of them in one weekend. And then putting all the bits on an old white Pk ripper only to be snapped by the BMX paparazzi

It's a shame really as it was a stunning bike. But sadly it ended the glory days for Haro and made the Haro sheep move on to Wilkerson,s&m etc.

The trouble with what you have Ollie is how much do you sell it for if you ever want to get rid of it? Not saying that you do. As it could make serious money like the last two. Or make a fraction of the recent prices as all the big money buyers already have one.
Only choice is to keep it mate.