Wow, ive finally recovered from it, best boardroom sesh so far, thanks to ed for arranging things and providing the listening pleasure for 90-odd % of the night, thanks to the notts lads for the banter, thanks to Lenny for assaulting my digestive system with the hottest chicken ive ever eaten, how the flip did spen stay so unflustered while he ate the stuff...

Riding highlights from jol (tables and flow) greg (tapping the sub box) jim (going bigger faster and
quieter) gra and spen (head to head over the height bar)
Award for bravery to dordy and jim for sitting under my jumps. Madmen.
I had so many laughs to myself whilst driving home, mainly about lenny trying to answer questions while eating wing stingers and just coughing and spluttering in reply

I had a trouble-free shite the following day.
The pics so far look good, there was a lot of photography going down so there must be more pics......
Ride on bitches, see you soon....