Well i was hoping that it would work out and that you lot would get to see a
Classic BMX Magazine, But having tried in various way to get hold of Andrew to find out when #8 was coming out and what he had put in it has come to a stop ! well he hasn't answered on e-mail ~ facebook ~ or his ebay which he continues to sell on ? I have heard nothing back which is a real shame as we had talked through e-mails about the
RAD LONDON RIDES and he sound keen to see what they were like. I sent him a couple of pic's from previous years and he said he would love to do some thing.
The Ride came up and i took some pictures and then e-mailed him them along with a write up of where and how things went on

I didn't know if it was just to be one picture on a page or a couple of pages with a write up that i had sent
So i haven't heard any thing back from him and #8 hasn't turned up, so i can only think that it all has been knocked on the head and we will never see #8 magazine with the
RAD LONDON RIDE So hear are a couple of pic's and the rest can be seen in my photobucket account for the ride

all can be seen here
http://s1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa450/BENDYCATEBAY/all%20london%20pics/Well it's shame

maybe it will all go ahead ? but doesn't look likely

cheers B