What an amazing day ... Thanks to all that attended to make it one of the best outings of the year ...
For once we did a bit of riding through the woods and down the canal .. not just drinking all day .. we did that at night ..

It was good to see a few legends and x Pro riders for Robinson, Torker , GT and Mongoose bitd ..
Alan Woods ,Craig Burrows , Jason Ramsden ,Scott Williams ,John Lee ,Dave Arnold and Tony Law
I must have been to exited to take photos this is all i got ..

Shame about the seat but it's all he had to put on this Original RSR

Nice cranks and hubs

Wigan Pier in the Background .. Many a messed up night in there .

You can't come to Wigan and not have a pie

Riding through the woods .. Awesome ..

Now this was weird but brilliant a Legal rave pumping out Dance music in the middle of the day right in the town centre

Now this means a lot to me

a letter dated 17 September 1984 signed by Chuck Robinson .. I also got an original Robinson price list , Original RSR artwork ( thanks to Joff ) and some Original Mirage artwork i pick up tomorrow when i pick my bikes up ...

This live band were brilliant .. just Me , Winny , Stu , Clean and Lenny left at this point ..

That's all folks