Picked this up at a car boot yesterday.
Forks are bent and twisted ( looks like someones copped for a face full of dirt and trip to A&E ).

The bars and the chainwheel have got a nice gloss finish.

The chain is 2 chains put together ( badly ) !

Rear brake cable goes through the bars and only just reach's the caliper.
Looks like a few of the original bits have been changed namely the stem, pedals, wheels and the
chainwheel ( could be wrong about the chainwheel but doesn't look old enough to me ).
All in all though the frame is in excellent condition no rust, perfect dropouts, stickers are in great nick
but the paintworks got more chips than the happy fish bar. Great survivor condition though.

I reckon a fork change, a set of yellow mag wheels ( the copy skyway type ), stem, pedals, chainwheel and
maybe 1 or 2 other bits and i could have myself my very own old school tank !