why are you amazed Dan

you work is quality mate and what sets you off from anyone else is you know that the powder needs to be thinner around the seat clamp area to get the seat clamp on,you know that a little sanding etc needs to be done on a seat post before painting to allow for the original diameter so on so forth
BE WARNED: i will save the radster the embarrassment of printing his name but he recently wanted his frame and forks painting white and straight away i said it's gotta go to Dan,he said cost was a issue and postage to and from Dan would be expensive,so off it went to a local powder coater-several trips in his car back and forth,mobile phone costs,petrol etc etc and nearly 2 months in waiting to see if it was done(twice) it was still fooked !!!! so then it went to Dan and come back perfect

moral=think twice act once-send it to Dan he has never let me down and work has always been first class

cheers Dan -I will now get my tonge out of your arse