Thanks fella's for all opinions..........every single one of them(it's much appreciated)

An idea popped into my head over the weekend, was thinking about getting the f/forks painted in yellow over the winter & putting on all the red components bar the tyres & grips. Put the orange tyre's/grips back on, i have an orange izumi chain to replace the red.
2 questions, firstly did kashimax ever produce an orange seat? & secondly did DC ever make brake cables in orange?
One more........would 3 colours work on a build?
I can only use the colours of the components i have, as getting back into bmx has almost bankrupted me

Especially as my current 'rider' build (survivor chrome Sport 85) has gone from a budget build for the summer, into some quality bits i've bought recently sending the budget skywards

That will defo be the last one

, as i need to invest in a new Wilier road bike
