Just spied this on facechuff......
Faction Bike Co. 22" wheel bikes.Our 22" bike should be on TV on the Extreme Channel on Sky TV any time this week (5th Sep onwards). It should get aired in 120 countries + several times a day with repeats according to the shows producers.
Here's a cut and paste below from their info page.
The show is called Silent Revolution. They are focusing on the BMX racing scene in the UK.
For more info go to their Face Book page.

We return to the indoor track at Manchester and catch up with Kelvin Batey and Route 55 as they get in some extra training before the last two rounds of the British National Championship. They are currently leading the team competition and are looking good to make the team title theirs. We also take a brief glimpse at the Olympic Development Team as they train ahead of the Olympics.
We also meet Keith Easom and talk to him about his brand new 22 inch wheel BMX in development, and we ask Kelvin Batey his thoughts on this highly controversial subject.