Hi, My Name is Dennis and I live in Brentwood, Essex. I used to ride a lot when I was younger from about 10 to 17, I used to ride In Blackmore, Brentwood, Rom, Chingford Ramp, and South Bank. I was alway's buying/swapping Bits and pieces and over the year's I had Chrome Hutch Trixstar, RL 20 mk2, 87 Master and Sport. I started riding again about 2 year's ago up the ramps in brentwood, I got one of those 2006 teal haro sports and got the bug back (and I wanted to get some exercise) the only problem was it weighed like a tank (not all cro-mo). So then I got a Haro Dave Mirra 2004 complete bike and stuck new school Graphites, 180 flights, GT xxl stem and Proper TTXL bars on it so it is like a mid/old School fusion bike. But I wanted to get my old bike back (that I used to ride when I gave up when I was younger) so over about the last year I saved up and got a an 87 Haro Sport, Chrome Hutch woody bars, western stem and 2 in 1 , big bolt nippon on the front and 180 flights and new school graphites. Just recently I bought a Skyway TA 25 anniversary BNIB im not to sure if i'm going to build it up as I am about 6 foot 1 inches tall and 16/17 stone so I'm not sure if I need to get an XL as I have never ridden one before. I would also like to get a 1984 chrome or white sport somewhere along the line. So that's a bit about me not very good at talking on forums. I am 40 this year so gonna ride as long as I can Cheer's D