theres a new indoor park being built in the isle of wight,the name of it is called (the drop) as it has a 12 foot quarter drop to a foam pit hense the name ,i was helping the owner out last week in marking it out plus i guess i will be roped in to marking the foamers out next week as i am a chippy and have worked on lots of radius bits in the past,there will be a big mini ramp section plus a street section but the park is only 4000 square feet so it might be a suck it and see at the beinging ,theres some plans if your search on isle of wight radio web site so take a peek,i am so gald i will have a place to ride without looking like a pidoe ive just spent a fortune on a new school ride as i want to ride again after more than 25 years cant wait and keep you informed on the progress.