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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3575 on: January 24, 2022, 10:45 PM »
The very last part for my GJS. 6 year build  :P

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3576 on: January 25, 2022, 10:06 AM »
The icing on the cake! :daumenhoch:

So when do we get to see the complete?? :D
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Ok riders, random start. Riders ready, watch the gate old gaijin make a fool of himself! :D

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3577 on: January 25, 2022, 11:41 AM »
The icing on the cake! :daumenhoch:

So when do we get to see the complete?? :D

It's all done... just trying to find the time to get it outside for some pics  :daumenhoch:

Offline SDF

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3578 on: January 27, 2022, 01:23 PM »
These landed today nos in green and pink.They are very similar to the GT standers.

Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. Miss you loads Dad

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3579 on: January 27, 2022, 07:43 PM »

Offline SDF

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3580 on: January 29, 2022, 02:02 PM »
Had some more Sharp stuff delivered today. Two pairs of grips and two bottom bracket covers. Always  try to use the bottom bracket covers an lever covers on my bikes.  Getting a bit of a collection together now as I bloody love them👊🏻
« Last Edit: January 29, 2022, 02:15 PM by SDF »
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. Miss you loads Dad

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3581 on: February 14, 2022, 07:08 PM »
Well I have for sure decided no more bikes. I'm giving the FBM to a mate for his nipper and will get rid of a couple of others and just keep the most important ones (mid school). That said I am not totally happy with my STA.

What I mean is I built it to ride and that I did. Even mashed in a back wheel  :LolLolLolLol: But then I slowly started to replace all of the new school cack with NOS mid school. The fork I had on there was a crap Mongoose newish school fork I picked up for a tenner. I then ruined the chrome Haro fork from the Mirra tribute bike when I stripped it (I cut them, badly, now the wheel is pissed) but even those were a stop gap because the steerer on the crap Mongoose fork was not long enough for a gyro. I would imagine with it being a newer school fork they didn't bother.

So I knew I wanted something period correct on there. That is literally the very last piece that bike needs. Everything else is either mint or NOS. Not poked for parts in bloody ages but decided that I would have a look.

Set of Super Forks for ?18 lol. That'll do nicely. They even have that stupid massive top nut  :LolLolLolLol:

Ordering some decals from Del. Pretty stoked about that, as the Haro fork did have a front 990 mount so I put a brake on the front. So I won't have to lose that or buy a BOA or something.

Decided on those. The exact decal I would have needed was the one that went on the pegless fork. It looked like this.

But Del doesn't have any. Plus I don't really care.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 07:25 PM by Midschoolfool »

Offline Chilli Rinse

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3582 on: February 14, 2022, 08:08 PM »
I very nearly bought those a while back, just for the top cap. Then I discovered the frame set ( not yet bought then )  I might have used them on had a one inch threaded fork. I did buy a nice used Pr1mo rod off the seller though, sadly a rail insert was lost in shipping and I had to return it.

I did end up getting the frame set I wanted though. I paid too much but got an eBay discount code to help me out. Apparently it's a one year frame and loved the wear and tear on it. Watch out for the survivor look build soon. I have some decent parts to use on this one.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 08:10 PM by Chilli Rinse »
Low end French does it for me ! 😂

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3583 on: February 14, 2022, 08:43 PM »
I never saw them til today tbh. Luck I suppose ! I hadn't looked at anything BMX related since before Christmas, and I certainly didn't want anything else to do but that STA was really nagging at me. I wanted a proper set of 14mm forks really. And especially not new school forks. Which tbh? are pretty hard to find. 14mm, 990 lugs together make for a hard find. I hate Super Forks but tbh? they are iconic and I certainly won't ride it again (spent a year on it)  so they'll be fine.

Will paint them black. I wasn't that happy about putting chrome on there either, but at least they worked and enabled me to put it back together.

I thought about buying that Hoffman too tbh. Pretty fair price really, considering what some of the others of that era go for. I'm just not really a fan of Hoffman's stuff. Love him as a rider, but yeah his gear was a bit hoopty for me. Have explained why before.

The Barcode to me now is perfect. Done. The only single thing I would change would be a all black front wheel. I don't like the polished lip it looks weird. But that really is being awfully picky. I mean, it would be a one day job to fine line tape up the centre and just paint the wall with satin black to match. There isn't a front brake on it either so it would never matter.

The Morales will be perfect too when done. I wouldn't change a part on the 2hip either, so for the big hitting mid school bikes that really is enough for me. The FBM is going to my mate's kid as he is sick of tightening cone nuts and changing loose ball crap bearings, and I will see about the Kink. Know a thousand kids who would take it in the family but they are all a bit spolied asshole so I am not sure I would want them to have it.

Will have a sell up come Spring. Will probably paint the Sunday and match it with the Demolition fork I bought, but certainly won't be building any more.

I think I will keep the CW too. Mostly because I know that out of all of the newer school bikes I have that one will be worth the most in the future. Probably more than my Kizz, which sucks haha. That said I do ride that a few times a year (the Kizz) so that will never go either. I just need to get them to the point where I only have four or five that actually really matter to me. Which would be the S&M Dirt Bike NG, the STA, the Morales and the Kizz really.

Offline Chilli Rinse

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3584 on: February 14, 2022, 09:19 PM »
Yeah match the black it will look better for it  :coolsmiley:

It's good to hear you don't think I ridiculously overpaid on the frame set. The Peregrines I have are going on it, along with a TNT stem, Primo Powerbites, 4 slot tenderizers and sprocket, later Hoffman Jumping bars. Other parts to be decided.

I soon will need to let a few bikes go, probably my later bikes, the Hoffman George Jr, Specialized 415 pro and may my Total Hang0ver II, I've never got around to hooking up the back brake. So never rode. No attachment to it either, it does look cool though. I need space, I have 7 frame sets sat on the floor, one boxed and another frame ( the two hip ) in a box waiting to be built. I'm at capacity and have no room to work on anything. Something's gotta give 🤣
Low end French does it for me ! 😂

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3585 on: February 14, 2022, 09:29 PM »
If I could trust myself to collect frames I could have 200 and it wouldn't matter  :LolLolLolLol:

My problem is wanting to make them all into full bikes. Which wouldn't be a problem if I had my own storage, but a bit risky when they're somewhere else. That said I do have three frames now that are not full bikes. Still got the Mongoose Villain I will never build and the T1 Ruben. So maybe I could trust myself just to buy frames? IDK.

Yeah the STA looked far better with a black fork on. Plus I have plenty of black paint and clear coats left over, so won't have to spend any more than the ?30 I am in. Will sort the top bolt out. Bit of filing and some paint. I was thinking about using the Huffy fork, but it's 10mm and has no 990 lugs which I kinda wanted to stick with now. That said ?30 is pittance really. I can't even eat out for that now.

I think the Kink would look amazing on my kitchen wall. My kitchen is all red/black/grey so yeah I reckon it would look killer. Might look into that.

One day I may, just may, get some brake lugs welded on the Villain and do a DMC rep. I doubt it though, the wheels would cost me more than it would be worth.

I've been sorting out my electronics and stuff recently. Got a new TV. 70" Ambilight, so have been hitting movies hard.

Did a custom water cooled PC build (with paint) just after Christmas.

Upgraded my home PC (that was a grand FFS) and am currently adding another amp/speakers to my cinema array so I reckon I should be about done doing that before the weather gets better. Deffo shifting at least three of the bikes though. I really don't like that hanging around my neck like an anchor. I know for sure I could strip down the four I really want to keep and put them in my eaves, so that is at least some relief. But yeah, will wait for the weather to turn better and sell off some.

Offline Chilli Rinse

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3586 on: February 15, 2022, 10:10 PM »
Just bought tonight but not by me. My sister wanted a cheap 80's bike for the summer, so here it is. I'll tidy it up for her and get it riding nice. I like it, cool gusset and great colour. I think it has potential  fistblump
Low end French does it for me ! 😂

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3587 on: February 16, 2022, 04:41 PM »
The wedgie picker seat post  :LolLolLolLol:

Looks cool man I like that. Should clean up lovely !

I'm quite pumped about getting my STA finished now. I think I can finally say it will actually be finished. Wow.

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3588 on: February 16, 2022, 05:14 PM »
 :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: wedgie picker, loving that. It certainly catches the eye as well as other body parts if left as is.

Yeah, hopefully it'll clean up nicely and have decent paint under those stickers. I spotted it and shared the listing with my sister, then a sellers offer came in and bingo, she bought it. I'll donate some cleaner parts where needed and I'm sure it'll be a cool little bike.  Another one located in France, let's hope it arrives in one piece. I messaged the seller as usual, asking him to protect the frame and forks well for shipping. Got an odd reply saying yeah sure, no problem, be quiet.
 :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:
I think the forks will definitely look the biz and give that full stop to the build for sure. You've been busy by the sounds of it so you can have your clear out, then if you're not building like a crazy man, enjoy your keepers.
Low end French does it for me ! 😂

Offline Chilli Rinse

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3589 on: February 20, 2022, 01:06 AM »
Just bought this 1987 Selle Italia Turbo saddle in a lovely dark blue leather. There's a few bikes this could end up on.
Low end French does it for me ! 😂

Offline SDF

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3590 on: February 23, 2022, 12:54 PM »
Action Zone bars back from coater and stickerd up ready for the Vincent🇬🇧

Got a new post and Mirage power disk, just need some OG lavender coaster Tuffs.

Just noticed a couple of air bubbles on the decals have  krept in, best give them another light rub over again 😂

Ahhh it's not a bubble , it's just where the AZ stamp is.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2022, 03:26 PM by SDF »
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. Miss you loads Dad

Offline Midschoolfool

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3591 on: February 25, 2022, 01:08 PM »
Del was true to form  :smitten:

Decals arrived the day after I paid for them, yay. This is the Super Fork, BTW.

The fork itself? arrived yesterday. Let's just say the seller was very laid back and a bit tardy. Promised me the tracking "when he got home" but didn't give it to me until after they had been delivered  :LolLolLolLol:

It doesn't matter any. I was supposed to go over last week to mum's but we thought she had the Covid. Problem was she hid it until the night before I was due to leave (so I had already ordered all of my vape gear and shit to her house) and then dropped it on me at about 11pm. FFS. So I have been stuck here. I was due to go over two days back but I have an appointment here on Monday. So I may as well just leave it til then ffs.

Nearly a month I have been here now. Bored AF  :LolLolLolLol:

That said I am relieved. I figured someone may have tried to cut my throat after the auction and he was just messing me around, so all good they did arrive and I can get stuck in next week.

I'll also repair the Pitbull properly and then bring that bike over here. Next couple of months will be about that. Fitting in the bikes I will keep forever, and selling some of the ones I don't really want or donating them to family.

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3592 on: February 28, 2022, 05:25 PM »
Woo finally !

Offline Picklez

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3593 on: March 21, 2022, 08:39 PM »
the final little bits take the longest  :whistle:

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Just some B2's and I'd be there  :tumbleweed:
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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3594 on: March 25, 2022, 11:55 AM »

It's that bit when Jim Carrey farts in the lift in Liar Liar. IT WAS ME.

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3595 on: March 26, 2022, 12:23 PM »
quite a resto haul this week

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3596 on: March 26, 2022, 10:43 PM »
Right, big changes this year. Am thinning the herd.

Thought about what bikes I wanted to strip, was quite easy really. The 06 Quadangle is being stripped, keeping F&F. The F-IT I built last year is also going. Well, not going, but being stripped. Am going to use the best parts from both to build the piggy.

Just one thing, neither has a decent stem on.

Grabbed that for thirty quid in the sales on CR.

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3597 on: March 27, 2022, 03:44 PM »
Got a nice set of wheels. Not top drawer, but close. They were on my Ruben before I stripped it.

Just one issue. When I bought the Gusset Cassette Tape hub for my Morales it did not come with a sprocket or lock ring. So I stole them from that wheel set lol. The Y22 are not sealed, but other than that? they are a nice wheel set. So I needed to get that sorted.

OK that's the wheel set. The next issues were small. I am stripping this.

I want the seat, crank disc, bash guard, tyres, tubes, bars, BB and cables. Problem is the pedals on there don't have any pins in. So they are for show more than anything. OK, so I got a wicked set of pedals on my Kink that are perfect.

But I don't like the idea of robbing the Kink, as if I want to ride that is my rider.

Will go perfect. The Kink has trans red grips and dust caps. So I can pinch those Primo without feeling bad.

There is just one more tiny issue. The bash guard rides too close to the sprocket under it on the FIT. So much so it catches the chain. The bolts are also a bit shagged, so.

Got a NOS SNAFU mobeus in red and some brake levers that are so rare I have never seen another set.

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3598 on: March 28, 2022, 06:38 PM »

I've bought tons of gear from "Ride the Earth" on ebay now. last lot was two left crank arms and a spindle. Cost me ?60, was easy enough to buy two cheap sets of pedals and make it work.

Today I got these for ?18 each, proper LR

And this.

I bought the V1 solid axle again because getting the bolts for it is piss. Any umbrella bolt will do.

All I need now is a BB. Hoping that cheap AF Social one is still on the bay.....

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Re: Today I bought, or it got delivered, or I fitted...
« Reply #3599 on: March 29, 2022, 04:13 PM »
Wow what a terminal twat I only just realised the arms are different lengths  :LolLolLolLol:

Good thing I only have to ride it once hahaha.

Oh yeah ordered a BB too.

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