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Author Topic: Tyres - What was available and when and what is around today?  (Read 615 times)

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Offline MartyC

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I know there are some on here that really, really know their stuff so here's a question about about tyres....

What skinwall tyres were available during the 80's aside from Tioga Comp III's and Comp II's for dirt riding?

I know that Panaracer did some (Knarler Knobbies) and there were some good copies around (Cheng Shin & Kenda) but what else was available and what can be sourced relatively easily today?

Better to crash and burn than fade away


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Re: Tyres - What was available and when and what is around today?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2006, 09:47 PM »
There were loads of makers ranging from all the manufacturers of course like Diamond Back, kuwahara, GT etc as well as other companies such as IRC and Tioga. Then there were the styles.

Most race tyres were based on the classic 'snakebelly' pattern, comp II (square lugs), or comp III (diamondish shaped lugs).

I'm always amazed by the lack od 'grippa' tyres (83-84ish) as they were quite popular BITD and i'd love a set to race on.

Comp VIII (Comp 8's) are quite good and cheapish I tend to use those for racing

Offline RATTY

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Re: Tyres - What was available and when and what is around today?
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2006, 01:11 AM »
Carslile agressors were about then, but they were as rare as rocking horse shite then, and I dont think its got better in 25 years...
A long time ago, in a land far away!

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