This is a heavy thread, I'm quite exhausted now.
I've so much to catch up on, what is this 20-24? I'd be interested to have a read of it.
I used to race in the Northwest between 80-84 and have just started cycling again. I must admit, if tracks were llike they used to be, mud and more flat bits, I'd probably get back in to racing too but these modern tracks scare me and to learn they're built from concrete.
I've just bought a mountain bike and had the clips replaced with flatties, as personal preference, want to be able to remove my foot in an emergency
If I had the money, I'd build an old skool track, lots of mud, no concrete and the odd set of whoops and table tops here and there
Mind you, would anyone want to race on an old skool type track nowadays?
Just hope this 'kar-fuffle' can sort itself soon and hopefully see you guys at a meet soon, I think I'll be spectating though
All the best,