.... Thanks for all the comments, I wasn't expecting this much

As I already mentioned I knew as I was typing it what most peoples initial opinions would be and to be honset I would think the same. The only difference from my point of view is I've dealt with him admittedly over email. He seems genuinely gutted to what has happened but initially I think he thought it might have been me trying to pull a fast one. He's offered to sort out another front alloy hub but this one has a hub that was "eaten" when they were bleached whereas the one I should have got was minty.
He's also put a wanted post up on the museum to see if he can find another one for me.
In answer to an earlier question, yes the two wheels are quite different in terms of whiteness with the rear suntour coaster rear being more of a cream colour.
Well thanks again for all your cmoments, I'll update post as and when I hear more.
One thing to maybe think of is to ask anyone who nay send from the states is to use a non BMX box

Ps - if anyone out there has a minty alloy hub front please give me a shout