It was my brother Tachikoma who got it. Its stil hung in his shed half way through being prepared for paint. 
He has spent a fair while cleaning up the gammy brazing round the head tube and the rear end where the top of the loops had been welded to the twin top tubes.
Should be done for the summer (if he stops pissing around with new school stuff
Ey you bugger i had to help you with your bikes too!
Update on the bike is that the pictures on the ebay ad totally do not show just how bad the frame actually was, horrible horrible welds with blobs everywhere, a crack in the rear end which we had to get welded, the white paint on it was actually household emulsion so it took forever and a day to strip back to the metal, once there we've been grinding the welds back and cleaning everything up, had to cut down the seat tube to about an inch tall and put a notch in the back because the original seat tube had bent to the point where ripples had formed at the back of the bend and the top 3 inches were rusted to the point of being held together by the paint itself.
In truth it wasn't really worth even half what I paid, even with the yellow Skyways but it's looking a bit better lately.
Forks on it were a complete bag of sh!te and in all probability slightly bent too.
Will have the mags airblasted the same as oldschoolace had his done last week then get around to finishing off the frame at some point this summer.
Still absolutely zero idea on what frame it actually is but given the quality of the welds and so on, probably hand built.
I'll nip in the shed shortly and take a picture of it's current condition.
Here ya go.

As you can see the seat tube is now much, much lower (screw you, rust)

With some primer thrown on to show how the welds now look.

The guy we had repair the weld did a decent job of it to be fair.