Well i'm just back from the vapour blasters and am well happy. Best 30 quid i have spent in a while.
The mags are naturally a vanilla white so i wasn't expecting a Hollywood smile from them but they have come up a treat
What has impressed me most is that it has all but eradicated the mockled dirty marbling effect that most old mags have. (like its embedded in the plastic rather than sat on top)
I didnt do any prep for the mags, no bleach, scrubbing or even removing of brake rub. I wanted to see what the blasting was capable of
(and what it could save me in man hours
The plywood disc masking worked like a charm so no lengthy polishing of hubs for me
The bloke there was great and quite happy to listen to me waffle on about old bikes. Turns out he has a chrome burner, probably a team burner with black skyways tucked away in his dads shed
He said he would entertain peeps posting stuff to him but he would need really good images of the job beforehand in case the job would take longer than expected but 15 quid a wheel would be a base price