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Author Topic: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???  (Read 5087 times)

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Offline stu27

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2012, 11:44 PM »
maybe get rid of the sale section
negativity is for chumps,positivity is for champs

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #51 on: March 17, 2012, 11:45 PM »
I dont think you need to change anything, the majority of sales on here go as they should, when something dodgy happens it's pretty clear to everyone, prices are what they are if dont agree dont buy
Unfortunately bro, whenever there is a large stack of items up for sale, it becomes like a Shark frenzy which in turn, just gets out hand, as we have seen in the last 2 days  ::)

Offline rollin72

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #52 on: March 17, 2012, 11:52 PM »
I dont think you need to change anything, the majority of sales on here go as they should, when something dodgy happens it's pretty clear to everyone, prices are what they are if dont agree dont buy
Unfortunately bro, whenever there is a large stack of items up for sale, it becomes like a Shark frenzy which in turn, just gets out hand, as we have seen in last 2 days.
im refering more to the Changa sale as being dodgy, I didnt really agree with the way Skywaym4n got slated, just dont buy the stuff he'll soon get the message

Offline Peter J

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #53 on: March 17, 2012, 11:54 PM »
And I know where of a few of ya live  :coolsmiley:

So if you try and rip off a "newbie"

I'll bum ya sensless  :bondage:
I might actually build a bike this year instead of just hoarding parts :)

Offline Gnarlyscoots

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #54 on: March 17, 2012, 11:57 PM »
I dont think you need to change anything, the majority of sales on here go as they should, when something dodgy happens it's pretty clear to everyone, prices are what they are if dont agree dont buy

I have to say the database of site supporters contact details etc held by us isn't a bad suggestion!

I think you need to looking at individuals rights such as data and identity protection. Not sure if your site is secure enough for such a database or within the boundaries of the law to hold such a database.

Offline Discostu

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #55 on: March 18, 2012, 12:03 AM »
Rollin I wasn't saying things should be changed.
All I think is there should be advise in the rules to let sellers know that unreasonable high price threads won't be tolerated. Stating that if it appears your for sale thread has extremely high prices and this has been pointed out to you by several members. Then you need to think about lowering your prices. Or asking if you are out on the price. If this doesn't happen then state that there is a good chance your for sale thread might be pulled.

The other thing I was saying is. A couple of members recently have sold stuff on here to other members for mates rates only to find it put up straight away on eBay or the museum. I think this needs to be looked into as I personally think this shouldn't be tolerated. Now I know this is hard. But if it is in the rules and a ban for an offender is what you get. It stops it happening to other rad members.

The thing is I commend you guys that want to post up your stuff for sale for the price you bought it or a good price for today. But surely writing that in these threads is inviting these rip off newbies to turn you over for a quick profit.

I hope you see where I'm coming from.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #56 on: March 18, 2012, 12:23 AM »
fair comment Stu, the things that have happened in the past month have highlighted there is a growing problem, good luck in trying to restore order Mods

Offline Discostu

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #57 on: March 18, 2012, 12:51 AM »
Ok here is a suggestion. You cannot access the for sale threads until your a site supporter. Just as it is now.  But then you are not permitted to buy or sell anything until you have at least 2 stars. That way if you want anything you have to get a member with 2 stars or more to buy it for you. Letting the seller know what he is doing.  The same if you want to sell something. Then if the items are found to be sold on within weeks for a big profit. Then both people will be in trouble and may end up with a ban or a suspension.

The thing is not all newbies are trouble and up for making a quick buck. Most are very interested in the site and old school bmx and have been introduced by a current rad member. So if they want something then it's up to there mate to honour the sale. As its one thing saying I know him he's genuine. And another doing his business whilst he earns his stars.   The genuine interested newbies will stick it out. The rip off merchants will have realise their on a hiding to nothing.  :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 12:53 AM by discostu »

Offline boofy44

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #58 on: March 18, 2012, 01:01 AM »
dunno about other members but if i have stuff for sale on here i wont sell it to non
site supporters.dont care if they dib first,its only a tenner on here so fcuk em.

Offline Discostu

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #59 on: March 18, 2012, 01:05 AM »
I think selling stuff to non site supporters shouldn't be allowed. If you do and it goes sour. Then fool on you.  :daumenhoch:

Offline neil

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #60 on: March 18, 2012, 01:09 AM »
is there a way to stop non site supporters even veiwing the forsale section?

Offline Discostu

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2012, 01:23 AM »
Yeah non site supporters can't view the for sale threads. But that doesn't stop them asking for stuff they need or advise on price of stuff they have, in other threads.  :daumenhoch:

You normally find a thread that has a few pics with the saying what is this and what it's worth is gonna turn into a glorified for sale thread.  Especially if the stuff is rare. The newbie then fooks off with his money never to be seen again. Having not paid any money into the rad kitty. Basically just using the site for profit.   :(


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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2012, 01:25 AM »
yeah certain person on here kept pm ing me and well he knows who he is  anyway :wtf: he was non supporter he kept threating me ;D ;D ;D :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: to
« Last Edit: March 18, 2012, 01:28 AM by pkripster »


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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #63 on: March 18, 2012, 01:30 AM »
yeah they say can i dibb for mate then turn out to be meesers :wtf:

Offline Jt

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #64 on: March 18, 2012, 07:41 AM »
For sale section works just fine.

If everyone Uses their common sense, there are rarely  problems in my opinion.

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #65 on: March 18, 2012, 07:47 AM »
Agreed, works fine most of the time  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #66 on: March 18, 2012, 07:57 AM »
It works fine in itself, it's people that fcuk it up.
Neil, the bathroom's free. Unlike the country under the Thatcherite junta

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #67 on: March 18, 2012, 08:11 AM »
The majority of the time Sales go fine but I think there has to be a line drawn how people comment towards prices they do not agree with. It's very easy to get carried away and embroiled with other member grievances but I appreciate that some of the warnings can also deter the unsuspecting or newer members (we've all been there) and there in nothing wrong with looking out for people. I don't think that blocking access to the For Sale section is the answer for people who are not 'Site Supporters', because this will restrict the sellers advertisement and right for all to see what he has for sale and might have a detrimental effect.

This place has a history of barking in sale threads if people feel a member is stepping over the mark 'but this can also be a personal perception and not always appreciated', and usually Moderators have allowed the discussions to continue to a point of taking action, I think that's good that it continues that way. If something is removed too hastily, we lose the opportunity to see those lines members take offence to (unless of course the language and personal abuse requires immediate action).

I still think any sales comes down to two simple things, courtesy and good communication coupled with prices that are in reach of us all, wherever possible.  :daumenhoch:

Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Offline stevesredvxr

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #68 on: March 18, 2012, 08:17 AM »
I agree that the for sale section works perfectly for 99% of members.

But when someone blatantly comes on here just to buy things cheaply and stick the the items straight on ebay to make profit, for their own greedy benifit,
then this needs, I believe, highlighting and the member dealing with.

Why should people like this dib stuff, take it out of the circle and make a profit?

For those who don't agree, what about this scenario:

You are looking for a specific part and you have been for months, you log on one day to see the elusive part in the for sale section only to notice it has been dibbed by someone else.
The very next week you are still trawling around for the part when, hey presto, you see one on ebay.........only to realise it's the same one that was on RAD.....for way more.  :2gunsfiring_v1:
You either buy it at an inflated price or leave it well alone..but this is gonna pee you off isnt it?
And when you check his ebay feedback and his past posts you realise he is a 'serial dibber'.............. :knuppel2:

Not fair is it? This is why I highlighted the guy who bought and sold the stem off me and made a tidy profit. He was doing it to us all.  :-\

Just my thoughts anyway. Maybe when you've had it done to you then you'd realise how annoyed you would be.


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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #69 on: March 18, 2012, 08:19 AM »
The majority of the time Sales go fine but I think there has to be a line drawn how people comment towards prices they do not agree with. It's very easy to get carried away and embroiled with other member grievances but I appreciate that some of the warnings can also deter the unsuspecting or newer members (we've all been there) and there in nothing wrong with looking out for people. I don't think that blocking access to the For Sale section is the answer for people who are not 'Site Supporters', because this will restrict the sellers advertisement and right for all to see what he has for sale and might have a detrimental effect.

This place has a history of barking in sale threads if people feel a member is stepping over the mark 'but this can also be a personal perception and not always appreciated', and usually Moderators have allowed the discussions to continue to a point of taking action, I think that's good that it continues that way. If something is removed too hastily, we lose the opportunity to see those lines members take offence to (unless of course the language and personal abuse requires immediate action).

I still think any sales comes down to two simple things, courtesy and good communication coupled with prices that are in reach of us all, wherever possible.  :daumenhoch:

wow x2 to all that  :daumenhoch:

cheers Sparky  :4_17_5:

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Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

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Offline jT Racing

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #70 on: March 18, 2012, 11:29 AM »
It's a forum, on a forum there are 2 options, comments on, comments off.  Policing what is said is impossible because it's opinion against opinion and who is right? Nobody? When idiots get weeded out, it's by majority dissaproval.
We like to talk about it, we like to talk about the talking about it. Everybody has a comment or solution but there is no solution and there will always be comments. Why people believe that there should be some happy happy, never a crossed word, back slapping matey matey utopia is beyond me. Why should this place be any different than offline.
When you stick out above the crowd, you catch more wind. Live with it or climb back down.
ding dong

Offline Jt

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #71 on: March 18, 2012, 12:13 PM »
It's a forum, on a forum there are 2 options, comments on, comments off.  Policing what is said is impossible because it's opinion against opinion and who is right? Nobody? When idiots get weeded out, it's by majority dissaproval.
We like to talk about it, we like to talk about the talking about it. Everybody has a comment or solution but there is no solution and there will always be comments. Why people believe that there should be some happy happy, never a crossed word, back slapping matey matey utopia is beyond me. Why should this place be any different than offline.
When you stick out above the crowd, you catch more wind. Live with it or climb back down.

Yeah, and you can fook off en all.....

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #72 on: March 18, 2012, 12:43 PM »
It's a forum, on a forum there are 2 options, comments on, comments off.  Policing what is said is impossible because it's opinion against opinion and who is right? Nobody? When idiots get weeded out, it's by majority dissaproval.
We like to talk about it, we like to talk about the talking about it. Everybody has a comment or solution but there is no solution and there will always be comments. Why people believe that there should be some happy happy, never a crossed word, back slapping matey matey utopia is beyond me. Why should this place be any different than offline.
When you stick out above the crowd, you catch more wind. Live with it or climb back down.

I'd like to hear a Jamaican toasting that over some dub.  Roots!


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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #73 on: March 18, 2012, 03:15 PM »
what about a secret VIP section where only people paying for an extra site tag are allowed to go and do secret sweet deals at best mate prices?


I think it works fine as it is really

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Re: Another Skywaym4N Thread pulled???
« Reply #74 on: March 18, 2012, 03:18 PM »
I'm in the secret VIP area already griff are you not in that circle of users?   :daumenhoch: ;) :2funny:

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