I spent 4 years around the dumps - i was on the carboot scene and found out that they had bikes going to waste there - in one place a young lad said he couldn't sell me any bikes as they all went to Africa (miss a early GT) then after i keep going and asking he came round to know me and let me into the place and have my pick - that was a place that sold to the public
The one's that don't sell are the harder places to get into - i had to watch my back and do the rounds of letting them know i wasn't there to spie on them from head office - pete one of the site bosses was into his MTB's and so i got on with him - from there he gave the nod that i was alright and other sites could trust me - after years of getting good bits it started to change as the top bosses started to stop the back handers ~ the good bits were going to ebay and carboots and not the dump - it started getting less and the wolfs started coming out - bikes were starting to be hidden from me as they knew a bmx with mags was money

stuff i was looking for was no longer being saved for me - at the same time cameras were going up and the little side line of copper and lead in the boot of the car was stopped as the cameras caught all - less money and the hold on parts got well tight - management wanted a new way of how these places were run - the old boys were getting kicked out and fresh blood come that ran things straight - i knew when to move on - i still go to a couple of places that sell out but the inner circle there still doesn't let the good stuff come out from the wraps and they all take it to the carboots themselves or on ebay
years ago money and back handers were king - now it's rules and keeping there job - camera's and paperwork are now common - scratching backs and helping the flow have now gone
ask retrogeezer/simon as i took over his patch on the recyclecentres and carboots - it's all changed now - too many people thinking they know every thing and the once quiet deals are now shouted about by people that have never taken the time to get into some thing and work there way up
cheers B