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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  BMX General  |  BMX Chat  |  Bestwick getting a little bit of air. On the Corby vert ramp yesterday.

Author Topic: Bestwick getting a little bit of air. On the Corby vert ramp yesterday.  (Read 3873 times)

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Offline bobbbbsy

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and he confused / freaked  by everyone saying hoffman gave his life for the cause ! bit of an odd thing to say but im sure many of us knew what he meant!

Offline TwoBobRob

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Read the Albion interview. Really, really good. I'd say if everyone were sat around the dinner table together and the same words were spoken, there would be no problem at all. I think a little bit got lost in the written word and perhaps our cousins across the pond didn't fully grasp the opinions & banter of a strong English personality with something to say.

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  BMX General  |  BMX Chat  |  Bestwick getting a little bit of air. On the Corby vert ramp yesterday.

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