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Author Topic: Kids, Kids bikes  (Read 345 times)

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Kids, Kids bikes
« on: January 27, 2012, 08:26 PM »
Thought I would share these with you. I got my son his first bmx last year. From Ebay I was told it was ok to use just needed a service. I didnt mind because I was going to spray it and do it up anyway. Got it and it was knackered! wheels buckled etc. Couldnt be arsed to take it back so started work on it. It was going to be for his birthday in November but ended up being for christmas.
It is a Stolen Nipper 16". Had to shotblast and powder coat the frame forks and handle bars, new wheels and brakes, cut off a pivotal post and welded it on some 25mm tube as it has the smaller seat tube, new khe pedals too.All in all pretty pleased with the way it came out!. just need to get him riding it now!!

Also picked up after this project started a Hoffman Condor 16".

Hope you like


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Re: Kids, Kids bikes
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 09:03 PM »
Nice! good work on the Stolen and i do like that Hoffman :daumenhoch:

Offline Peter J

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Re: Kids, Kids bikes
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 10:33 PM »
Bang Tidy  :daumenhoch:

Would have loved a ride that cool when I was a nipper  :daumenhoch:
I might actually build a bike this year instead of just hoarding parts :)


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Re: Kids, Kids bikes
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 08:21 PM »
Thx guys, the Stolen has come out pretty good, ended up taking longer and costing more than expected but hey, that happens all the time!. The Hoffman I saw first but the person who owned it wanted loads of money for it and so I got the stolen one instead. Then of course half way through doing that he came back and offered it to me for a price I couldnt say no too. Havent found any other 16" Condors either apart from a couple in usa on the museum. It is a well made bike though it even has 14mm axles!!

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