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RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05)  |  Mid School ( Keep the faith )  |  found these yesterday

Author Topic: found these yesterday  (Read 2045 times)

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found these yesterday
« on: January 14, 2012, 02:30 AM »

hi all
 i am fairly new around here and looking for info on these bmxs that i found yesterday whilst out an about i know 1 is a gt but not sure what model or what year im thinking it could be a 95/96 gt proformer ?it has dia comp brakes and a gt stem.
 and the other i have no idea what it is all i know is that it has gt pedals but no other markings (cheapy copy maybe ) it has mx copy brakes .
i dont know much about 90s bmxs as i am more into old skool having rode bmx back in the 80s i will probably rebuild these after i finish my 2 old skool restos nothing to exciting a 79/80 team murry and a 83 meteorlite . both are my old bikes from back in the day so restoreing them more for sentimental reasons (getting old  :2funny: )

Offline ED209

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Re: found these yesterday
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2012, 06:13 AM »
your second one looks to be a 1996 Performer...

Look at the bars and front wheel on there..! jesus... car crash, ran over by mum.. or leap of faith!

first one looks like a budget frame but still worth sorting  :daumenhoch:

build yourself a nice big tub and dunk them in oxalic acid for a few days - its cheap to buy off ebay - theres a few threads on here that show you how... that will eat the rust & will cut your elbow grease down by 90%  :angel:
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Re: found these yesterday
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2012, 08:16 AM »
Nevermind the bikes   :yahoo_silent:,,,

more pics of the bus  :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch: :daumenhoch:


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Re: found these yesterday
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2012, 12:20 PM »
nice little  projects there ,   gets pics up of the Murray  :smitten:  :daumenhoch:


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Re: found these yesterday
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2012, 03:09 PM »
LOL i might put pics of the bus up later  :)
and when i get abit more done to the murry i shall post a few pics at the mo its just a frame . although since i got back here again i have managed to find almost all the bit i need for it just waiting for the posty to deliver them  :smiley6600:.
back to my new finds i was thinking of painting the GT and making it look more old skool .always wanted an oldskool GT proformer when i was a kid so maybe this could be a hybrid old midskool  :) .


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Re: found these yesterday
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2012, 06:02 PM »
here you go so lads pics of the bus  ;D

not finished yet but getting there .

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Re: found these yesterday
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2012, 06:27 PM »
Nice bus.

Is that a Porsche 914 in the last pic?  can't tell for sure, but looks familiar.

Ed's right about the acid bath, or buy an already shiny one for about £25 off ebay. I've got one under my bench thats not nearly as bad as yours rust wise, but its just not worth the time input for something of that value, might be in 10 years though!!!

Good luck

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Re: found these yesterday
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2012, 02:14 AM »
thanks  :).
 the car is actually a karma dino kit car built on a bug floor
i hear what your saying about them not being worth anything .but to be honest i was just going to do them as a break away from doing the vw buses . i like rat look bugs and buses so may just build as rats . but i have quite alot of old bmx parts laying around from when i was a kid so might paint the gt and do it in a similar style to an old skool proformer dont know yet. have 2 other oldskools to do first .

 thanks ed 209 for the info and tip on how to remove the rust . as for the condition of the gt well it was stolen by pikeys and distroyed in a local car park then chucked over a ditch and left that was over 5 years ago . i got told where it was and brought it home the other was found on a pile of scrap and as it was free i took that home as well .

RADBMX.CO.UK  |  Mid School BMX (>87) 1989 to 2003 (<05)  |  Mid School ( Keep the faith )  |  found these yesterday

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