Bestwick rules how can you not see that? You have to have a vert rider in your team who is better than Bestwick? Tell me why you dont like him Steve you must have inside information like I do on fiola.
Andy i have but its no secret.............................................He's a Knob! I met him a few times when he was 15 and he was a knob then, there are lots of Pro vert riders that i know today who still know him and they say he's still a knob!!!! And there are a few better vert riders in the world that are better than him for lots of different reasons, you should talk to some of them sometime and you should ask them who the best vert rider in the world is? they wont say its Bessy i promise you!!.......dont listen to me but listen to people with a genuine in the know opinion.
My own opinion is that from past experience i cant stand him! I do however appreciate how good he is and that he has lots of X-games medal etc but for my whole judgement on the chap, i think his style is crap his attitude stinks and he lacks innovation but well done for pushing the limits...............The day of Judgement however is upon us