Well its around this time of year that i tend to get itchy feet and want to get my bikes out one last time. I never do as i have most of them in storage away from my house, all wrapped up in duvets nice and warm! I've been collecting for around 7 years now and started with Raleigh Vektars. Once i managed to get all 4 models i moved on to the Wildcat, Street Wolf and Wolf Cub trilogy then bought a Mk1b Burner. I then left the Burners for a while as they proved expensive to restore and i started on early Raleigh MTB's. I also restored a Mk2 Chopper during the MTB's but it wasnt long before i started on the BMX's again

As my collection of BMX's has been growing recently i decided a few months ago to bring them all home and store them in my spare room. I'd collected a few parts for them anyway so yesterday i made the decision to drag them out from under the covers and give them once last breath of fresh air before they are laid to rest until summer.
I took the opportuity to take some decent pics while they were out.....
First up the first Burner i bought, Red/Yellow Mk1b.

This had a full resto by myself a few years ago and although it owes me a small fortune i love it!
Next up my Mk2. I bought this as a rider a few years ago and did nothing more than give it a clean

The next one is my latest purchase for the bargain sum of £40. Again, stripped and cleaned only. I've fitted a replica seat as the original was missing. It'll do until i find the correct one!

The next one up should make a few of you smile. My survivor Aero Pro Burner survivor. This was a present to myself in the summer this year. It sits in my sitting room and is all original, even down to the tyres and decals!

And last but by no means least and a little 'off brand' my Falcon Pro Freestyle. Full restoration completed last month after spending months collecting the parts! Again, owes me a bit but back in the day these were the bike to have round my way. The components are budget and it aint that well built but damn it sure is pretty, and it does what all BMX's should do. Make you smile! :lol:

I've a few others on the go at the min but all are in bits in boxes. I'll update as i progress. On the list are....
Mk2 Team Burner Replica
Kuwuhara ET Replica
Lew Ways Stinger Aero
Lew Ways Stinger Styler
I have most parts for the above. Just awaiting powder coat.
Merry Christmas all :lol:
Oldskoolcool :wink: