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Topic: super mat (Read 1708 times)
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super mat
super mat
November 16, 2011, 09:45 PM »
name:matthew sansom
occupation:domestic engineer
years collecting:5
likes:most things 80s
dislikes:most things 00s
well.it all started back in 1984.i got my first bmx on christmas day.a £79 tensor magnum in candy red.a real cheepie but i loved that bike.it got used and abused until nov 1988 when i tried to respray it white.i damaged the thread trying to remove the cranks.so after the re build i could not get the crank to stay on.it was a weired thun two piece set up that you could not get even back then.so that was the end of that bike.the frame got junked and i used the parts on a chrome frame with a proper opc.
april 1989.trying to do a half decant spray job with ford diamond white.
in late 1989 i got given an ammaco freestyler in original condition,i rode that until 1991 when i sold it for £45 :uglystupid2:it was pretty much mountain bikes from then on so fast foward to 2006.
i mate of mine gave me this...
this turned out to be a 1986 raleigh styler.so the fun began trying to find the parts for it.i decided on a team look so here are the many incarnations until i got it right.
version 1
version 2
version 3 burner bash 2008
version 4 2009
version 5 final
Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 11:14 AM by super mat
super mat
Re: super mat
Reply #1 on:
November 16, 2011, 09:58 PM »
during working on my team i purchased my second build.a 1984 super tuff burner.it was almost complete but in a real state.the gold superchrome finish is actually a powdercoat.
i will edit this post as i have up dated the brakes and fleccies on this.
Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 10:33 PM by super mat
super mat
Re: super mat
Reply #2 on:
November 16, 2011, 10:05 PM »
you may notice my mates burner in the background of the super tuff pics.this started life as a super frame and forks.the chrome was mint underneath the gold so thats what it became.purchased off my mate and that was bike number 3.
version 1
version 2 (spec correct)
super mat
Re: super mat
Reply #3 on:
November 16, 2011, 10:37 PM »
by now you guys may be seeing a bit of a burner patern evolving.so at the end of 2008,i started build number 4.the nos aero reflex.
version 1
i had these on for about 2 weeks,then i found some nos aero zytecs.i regret selling these coz they were sooo light and were pure quality.
version 2
version 3 with d20 3 piece cranks and win cw bars
version 4 with nippon re issues,aquila rotor and excalibur cranks.
Last Edit: January 01, 2012, 08:33 PM by super mat
super mat
Re: super mat
Reply #4 on:
November 17, 2011, 08:53 PM »
i had become a father back in may 2009 so i was basically tinkering with what little spare time i had.being a white goods engineer,i get to drive around alot in the sticks(countryside).so one day in october 2009,i was passing a farmyard in the middle of nowhere and out of the corner of my eye.....
took a picture with my camera phone so poor quality.knocked on the door a shouted but nobody at home.there was some letters on the floor in the porch so i wrote down the post code for the sat nav(coz i will never find this place again!).roll on jan 2010 and i thought i will give it another try.it was still there.an old boy answered the door so i left my number for the owner of the bike.a week later he contacted me.£20 changed hands and i brought it home.
turns out to be a pos,sorry i meant a dog,sorry again,i meant a halfords raleigh reactor(£95.99 1985).a mk1 burner frame without a head tube gusset(although i have seen mk2 versions of these)raleigh pilfering the parts bins in the mid 80s.not highly rated,not sought after and not many about.throwing it away or splitting would have been cheeper or easier,so for that very reason,i did this to it.
bike number 5
super mat
Re: super mat
Reply #5 on:
November 17, 2011, 09:23 PM »
during the reactor build i found this on ebay.
jackpot!my beloved tensor magnum.my girlfriend won it for me and i was 9 again.so,i had to give it the full resto treatment.
bike number 6
and me at bb2011
Last Edit: November 17, 2011, 09:37 PM by super mat
super mat
Re: super mat
Reply #6 on:
November 20, 2011, 11:32 AM »
during the work on the reactor and the magnum i aquired this...
my mate had owned this decade frame for years.i managed to get it from him coz i thought this would be a challenge.took ages to find the right parts(mostly)and is still a work in progress.my mate would now like to buy this back from me.this one has been the most fun to build and the result has been great.
still getting the correct bars restored and have changed the front brake to a system 2000.also got some tech 5 style locking levers to go on.
super mat
Re: super mat
Reply #7 on:
November 20, 2011, 11:40 AM »
this september,my girlfriend got me an early christmas present.
out of all the burners,this is the one i remembered the most.this was complete,it just had the sponge missing off the grips.i basically just stripped,cleaned and re built.
and thats my 8 bikes for now.i hope i havent gone on to much but its nice to put all my work in one thread.
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